Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before?

From what I can see, they haven't changed their formula again recently. He's done well on this food his entire life and I can't figure out what may be in there that I'd need to stay away from, and I also don't know where to go from here. What to change…

    Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before?

    From what I can see, they haven't changed their formula again recently. He's done well on this food his entire life and I can't figure out what may be in there that I'd need to stay away from, and I also don't know where to go from here. What to change…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before?...

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    • Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before?

      Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before? General Dog Discussions
      From what I can see, they haven't changed their formula again recently. He's done well on this food his entire life and I can't figure out what may be in there that I'd need to stay away from, and I also don't know where to go from here. What to change him to if I do need to. The only other consideration is that my husband decided the itching was caused from him getting his winter coat in but I don't remember his ever having itching this severe or constant any other year. His yearly appointment was before all this itching started so bad. Is it possible it was just changing coats or more probably related to the food?He is on a preventative for fleas and I'm not seeing this in any of the other animals so I didn't think this was a problem. I'm probably going to try changing his diet like you suggested since, like you said, I know allergies can develop even after years of being okay with something.

      Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before?

      Dog started itching recently after a lifetime on Canidae with no problems before? General Dog Discussions
    • Best I can offer, apart from maybe seeing your vet and getting a skin scrape done on the areas where this is especially bad?, is in the past, we have noticed that our hounds did sometimes seem to react after being on a specific diet for some years. It was as if what was missing, or not right in that diet finally caused a reaction.It might, depending on what the vet does, or doesn't find, be worth while putting him on something he's never had before - gradually switch. Perhaps a fish and potato diet. If this is food allergy related, it's going to take some weeks for anything in his system to clear through.Just to say fleas seem to have been especially bad, across the world, this year so it could be as 'simple' as this?

    • I agree with MamaBasset, but is possible that the air is too dry in your house, or that he's been laying front of the heat register vents? My dogs seem to be more itchy too this season, and they don't have any skin conditions. In fact, one was just to the Vet last week for his regular blood work and exam to have his prescription refilled. (Epileptic) We have a fire in our fireplace almost daily, and both dogs LOVE to lay in front of it. I'm pretty sure that would dry their coats out some, as my Doberman has some flaky skin right now too. So, judging by my dogs this winter, maybe it is environmental....maybe.