Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..?

My dog got out of our fenced in yard .. We live in VA .. the guy that hit her called them cops and all and the cop helped us find her and we took her to the vet she has a fractured pelvic bone but now the guy called me wednesday and ask for us to…

    Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..?

    My dog got out of our fenced in yard .. We live in VA .. the guy that hit her called them cops and all and the cop helped us find her and we took her to the vet she has a fractured pelvic bone but now the guy called me wednesday and ask for us to…...
    General Dog Discussions : Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..?...

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    • Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..?

      Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..? General Dog Discussions
      My dog got out of our fenced in yard .. We live in VA .. the guy that hit her called them cops and all and the cop helped us find her and we took her to the vet she has a fractured pelvic bone but now the guy called me wednesday and ask for us to pay for damages done to his car my dogs is mini schnauzer that is bout 19 pounds and the road he hit her on the speed limit is 55 i didn't really look at the car her was driving b/c of course i was trying to find my dog and get her to a vet. didn't really think a 19 pound dog could do much damage, but in claims she done 500 $$ worth of damage i was wandering if my law in Va if we had to pay for the damages

      Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..?

      Question about VA laws ... My dog got hit by a car on Monday ..? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, you can be held liable for any damages but I would really question any damage estimate. I once hit a goose and it did nearly $700 in damage but that was going 75. Hard to imagine a dog doing a lot of damage and living.Good luck!