Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say?

We took him in, they said something about his pelvic area being messed up, and his temperature was too low. So the bill came out to 600$ + whatever other things they are gonna do extra to him. He's staying two nights at the veterinarian. My parents…

    Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say?

    We took him in, they said something about his pelvic area being messed up, and his temperature was too low. So the bill came out to 600$ + whatever other things they are gonna do extra to him. He's staying two nights at the veterinarian. My parents…...
    General Dog Discussions : Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say?...

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    • Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say?

      Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say? General Dog Discussions
      We took him in, they said something about his pelvic area being messed up, and his temperature was too low. So the bill came out to 600$ + whatever other things they are gonna do extra to him. He's staying two nights at the veterinarian. My parents really didnt wanna take him but i mentally forced them too, and i paid them 150$ ive saved up for a very long time. I am happy now I know I did the right thing. They said they are going to give my dog all the vaccinations, and even though the same thing happened to his brother and he died, I miss him so much, but I'm glad I helped him. Thanks.

      Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say?

      Ok Update #2: I took my dog to the vet, this is what they had to say? General Dog Discussions