How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on?

Because my dog loves running on fields but she can't run with out the lead on.

    How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on?

    Because my dog loves running on fields but she can't run with out the lead on....
    General Dog Discussions : How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on?...

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    • How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on?

      How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on? General Dog Discussions
      Because my dog loves running on fields but she can't run with out the lead on.

      How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on?

      How do i train my dog to run with out the lead on? General Dog Discussions
    • With our dogs, we just ran beside them a while, then let go of the lead without them knowing it. They stayed by our sides the entire time. It's been about 3 months & now we're comfortable with letting them run ahead a bit. They come when we call them, and on the occasion that that doesn't work, we run the opposite way, tricking them into chasing us, then when they get close enough we step on the leash to stop them. If we have to do that, we hold onto the leash making them stay right beside us (touching our legs with their chests). That way they know they did wrong & are now being restrained for it.

    • I don't know your question, but if you want your dog to lead the way for walks and stuff, you should get a trainer to do that for you! Or you can google it!Hope that works!