Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers?

My dog is 17 and she needs diapers. Today I bought a pack of 12 disposable diapers for almost $17.00. She can't wear the washable diapers because they give her a rash. Please let me know if there is a place where I can buy doggie diapers for cheaper.

    Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers?

    My dog is 17 and she needs diapers. Today I bought a pack of 12 disposable diapers for almost $17.00. She can't wear the washable diapers because they give her a rash. Please let me know if there is a place where I can buy doggie diapers for cheaper....
    General Dog Discussions : Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers?...

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    • Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers?

      Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is 17 and she needs diapers. Today I bought a pack of 12 disposable diapers for almost $17.00. She can't wear the washable diapers because they give her a rash. Please let me know if there is a place where I can buy doggie diapers for cheaper.

      Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers?

      Where can I buy affordable disposable dog diapers? General Dog Discussions
    • Pet Co has some:http://www.petco.com/Shop/SearchResults.aspx?Nav=1&N=0&Ntt=diapersIt may be cheaper to get a washable one. Pet Smart has them too:http://www.petsmart.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=diapers&origkw=diapers&sr=1

    • How big is your dog? What I found was that the pads that come in the packs you get at the store are basically generic-brand sanitary napkins for women, so you could probably get unscented "maxi-pads" and use them, if your dog is small enough.

    • You can try getting some boy's underwear that will fit- put her tail through the slit. You can then use a poise pad, or a maxi pad (depending on her size) on the inside of the undies. Works like a charm and is much cheaper!

    • How about making a washable diaper out of unbleached cotton canvas? You could probably find a pattern on the internet or make one from one of the diapers you have. Use stainless steel snaps instead of velcro, as this will cut down on the diaper picking up foreign objects that could lead to further rashes. Then either make your own pads or buy the cheapest maxi pads you can find to serve as a disposable liner.

    • You can buy disposable dog diapers for cheap athttp://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=disposable%20dog%20diapers&tag=heaandlif-20&index=blended&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325Good luck!