How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with?

I have a medium size dog, I would like to know how can you weigh him without scales. can you help?

    How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with?

    I have a medium size dog, I would like to know how can you weigh him without scales. can you help?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with?...

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    • How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with?

      How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with? General Dog Discussions
      I have a medium size dog, I would like to know how can you weigh him without scales. can you help?

      How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with?

      How do you weigh a dog when you have no scales to weigh him with? General Dog Discussions
    • I just bring them into the vets and weigh them my self. Or if you can pick him up then if you have a peoples scale weight your self first then pick up you dog and weigh the both of you together on the scale then just subtract the difference in weights.

    • i agree with Lena , take your dog to a vet..It will only take a second and I am sure they wouldn't mind. Or you can take your dog to a friend house,.. I am sure someone you know has a scale. At least one person you know. Some one has to have one lol..

    • Do you have a bathroom scale? Pick up the dog, weigh yourselves, then put the dog down and weigh just you. Subtract that from the weight of both of you. That's how much your dog weighs.Otherwise some large pet stores have scales you can use.

    • Take him to the vet. They have proper scaled there to weigh a dog/cat. It doesn't cost anything, just make sure to ask first ;)Using human scales or kitchen scaled will give you the wrong weight so don't use them!