After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited?

I have a female dog, 6 months of age, and it still urinates when over exited.

    After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited?

    I have a female dog, 6 months of age, and it still urinates when over exited....
    General Dog Discussions : After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited?...

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    • After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited?

      After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited? General Dog Discussions
      I have a female dog, 6 months of age, and it still urinates when over exited.

      After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited?

      After how long will a dog stop urinating, when over exited? General Dog Discussions
    • It depends on the dog and the owner. Some never stop, some stop in a couple of weeks. My basset hound did this, and stopped after two months. (He wouldn't do it every time I walked in the door though).

    • This dog will stop, when you teach it to stop. If you let the pooch do this every time, then he/she will never learn differently. I am not sure how exactly to train him/her to stop, but it is defiantly not just going to go away as the dog gets older.

    • Sometimes they never stop. My mom has a dog thats about 3 yrs old and she still does it. We just have to warn people when they show up at our house to visit or whatever to not pay attention to her for awhile until she calms down. When she gets over the excitement then she's fine.

    • This is a very comman problem with young dogs as they get over excited just like children and pee themselves.Luckily it is very veyr easy to stop.When you or a family member comes home (as hard as this maybe) ignore your puppy for 10 minutes then after ten minutes give her a pat on the head and say good gilr (dont overly fush her as this is normally the cause of the urination problem) Just be calm, the best thing is to sit on a couch and put the tv on when you first come in and just let her calm down from seeing you before she gets stimulation through cuddles this way she doesnt get over stimulated and wont pee.Good luck. This worked wonderful for my friend when i taught her to do this with her dog who was 8 months and still pee (she was a mastiff so the puddles wernt small which was why it had to stop)It will stop with the propper training methods.However please never never rub your dogs nose in it, it just makes it worse and can stem aggression and never raise your voice when they have an accident as this just makes them freak and pee more. If it doesnt work with children it wont work with dogs. If you wouldnt rub a childs nose in their pee dont do it to a dog as other people in here have suggest as a answer.If she does have an accident durring this training process just dont speak to her pick her up pop her outside for 10 minutes while you clean the carpet. She will soon learn that if she pees the floor she goes away from mummy and daddy and doesnt get to play.If all else fails there are some very good books about this problem and most trainers (and vets) can tell you how to stop this.But seriously i have raised 6 pups now and the ignoring them when you come in for 10 minutes and popping them outside for 10 minutes if they do have an accident really works.

    • My 15 month old girl does this too... Not as much anymore, but that's because we've learned how to deal with it and instructed all of our guests to ignore the dog for the first 5 minutes, and then interact calmly with her... If people go "Heeyyyyy puppyyy!!! you are soooo cute!!!!!" and act all excited and looney and pet the dog like crazy all at once, they will pee. You have to learn how to deal with it. Some never stop, but it can be managed.