How to stop my dog from getting car sick?

My dog salivates bad and vomits during car trips.. She's been for rides on the back of a ute twice and both times she only vomited once (and pooped both times lol!) so she's not AS bad on a ute, but we don't actually own one... Are there ways to get a…

    How to stop my dog from getting car sick?

    My dog salivates bad and vomits during car trips.. She's been for rides on the back of a ute twice and both times she only vomited once (and pooped both times lol!) so she's not AS bad on a ute, but we don't actually own one... Are there ways to get a…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop my dog from getting car sick?...

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    • How to stop my dog from getting car sick?

      How to stop my dog from getting car sick? General Dog Discussions
      My dog salivates bad and vomits during car trips.. She's been for rides on the back of a ute twice and both times she only vomited once (and pooped both times lol!) so she's not AS bad on a ute, but we don't actually own one... Are there ways to get a car sick dog used to car rides?

      How to stop my dog from getting car sick?

      How to stop my dog from getting car sick? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't feed her before going on a car ride.Start driving slowly around your driveway/road and gradually build up to going to the beach/woods/local town.The motion of a car makes dogs feel sick, and if they have eaten its way worse and if you are going very fast.Open a window but not wide enough for her to jump out. Allow her to poop/pee before going on a car ride and like I said, gradually build up speed and distance and eventually she will learn.

    • I had a Sheltie that got car sick his whole lifetime and we certainly did a great deal of driving. It didn't help him, but giving him a Bonine tablet 1/2 hour before departing stops the vomiting even though he salivated quite a bit until we got there.I understand giving a dog a gingersnap cookie sometimes help also. I don't know if your country has Bonine, but I'm sure it has the equivalent and a druggest would know what it would be.It's raspberry flavored and my dog loved them. The effects lasted for 24 hours and it didn't make the dog drowsy.