Some questions about animals and their diets?

1. How do gorillas get so muscular without eating protein? 2. Why don't lions and wolves get scurvy or have vitamin c deficiency from not eating fruits and vegetables? 3. Do bears get arterial blockage from eating such fatty diets? 4. Why doesn't…

    Some questions about animals and their diets?

    1. How do gorillas get so muscular without eating protein? 2. Why don't lions and wolves get scurvy or have vitamin c deficiency from not eating fruits and vegetables? 3. Do bears get arterial blockage from eating such fatty diets? 4. Why doesn't…...
    General Dog Discussions : Some questions about animals and their diets?...

    • Some questions about animals and their diets?

      Some questions about animals and their diets? General Dog Discussions
      1. How do gorillas get so muscular without eating protein? 2. Why don't lions and wolves get scurvy or have vitamin c deficiency from not eating fruits and vegetables? 3. Do bears get arterial blockage from eating such fatty diets? 4. Why doesn't my vet want me to feed my dog fresh meat and other healthy freshfoods that agree with them? I've heard it's because they get kickbacks for promoting dog food products.

      Some questions about animals and their diets?

      Some questions about animals and their diets? General Dog Discussions
    • You have the American food industry to thank for our perception that protein can only come from animal food sources. Leafy greens are extremely dense in protein, iron, and calcium. That's how gorillas become so muscular.Carnivores have different adaptations so that they can survive on meat. Bears and humans have a history of surviving primarily on plant based foods. Over time, too much animal based foods will lead to osteoporosis, cancers, diabetes, and vascular diseases. The typical American diet leads to high rates of these diseases.I'd say that most medical professionals have training that has been deliberately influenced to favor certain well funded technologies and certain food industries. I believe that medical professionals are well meaning, but often misled by powerful interests.