What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny?

I just recently found a bunny that was abounded in my driveway. I have a cage for it but I'm not really sure what all I need to do. Can anyone give me some good tips or pointers? Thank you!

    What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny?

    I just recently found a bunny that was abounded in my driveway. I have a cage for it but I'm not really sure what all I need to do. Can anyone give me some good tips or pointers? Thank you!...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny?...

    • What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny?

      What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny? General Dog Discussions
      I just recently found a bunny that was abounded in my driveway. I have a cage for it but I'm not really sure what all I need to do. Can anyone give me some good tips or pointers? Thank you!

      What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny?

      What are some important things to know when taking care of a bunny? General Dog Discussions
    • Rabbits are hard work, but lovely animals.I have 2 young rabbits. My daily routine is in the morning feed them, and give them a small cuddle, then put them in their run in the back garden.They usually stay in their run all day unless it's raining. When I come home from school, I clean there wee out, top up their water bottle and let them out loose in the garden. After tea I just spend time with them and play with them! But now its the summer holidays I just spend time with them through out the day. Have fun with your bunny = D Oh, and on Saturdays I clean their whole hutch out and disenfect it.Vegetables to feed your rabbit...CabbageMushroomsCarrotCloverDandilionAppleSweetcornPea podsBUT NO LETTUCEHope I helped you lots = D

    • i own 10 rabbits and have other animals aswell. i usually feed my rabbits twice a day n clean their hutch once a week. they all have runs and get plenty of exercise. they are easy to keep. good luck x

    • Unlimited pellets and hay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A Good Rabbit Diet Should Include Daily Fresh Vegetables Include a variety of vegetables from the list below.(Those containing a high level of Vitamin A are indicated by an *. Feed at least one of these each day.) Alfalfa, radish, and clover sprouts Basil Beet greens (tops) Bok choy Broccoli (mostly leaves/stems)* Brussels sprouts Carrots and carrot tops* Celery Cilantro Clover Collard greens* Dandelion greens (NO pesticides)* Endive* Escarole Green peppers Kale* Mint Mustard greens* Parsley* Pea pods (the flat edible kind)* Peppermint leaves Radicchio Radish tops Raspberry leaves Romaine lettuce (NO iceberg or lightcolored leaf lettuce)* Spinach* Watercress* Wheat grass Kale, mustard greens, and spinach contain high levels of oxalates (the salts of oxalic acid), which can accumulate in the system and cause toxicity over time. Rather than eliminating these veggies from your list (because they are highly nutritious and loved by most rabbits), limit your use of them to 1 or 2 meals per week.http://www.rabbit.org/http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/diet.htmlhttp://www.rabbit.org/care/veggies.html - veggieshttp://www.rabbit.org/care/fruits.html - fruit---------------------------------------------------Use corn cob bedding-sold at walmart, absorbs the smell much better. If they have a bottom drawer for itand your bunny won't be walking in it..then, it's fine by itself. But, if you have a cage and or litter box-line it with corn cob, then use a soft bedding-care fresh or something, and layer the top soft for your bunnies feet and comfort. Even though my bunny's cage has a bottom-I keep a litter box in the corner. Rabbits produce two types of droppings, fecal pellets (the round, dry ones you usually see in the litterbox) and cecotropes. They eat the cecotropes for extra nutrition. They also need a playpen to be able to run around outside or in the house. You get get one on craigslist or new-I actually have a dog pen and it's 2 times the size of a regular play pen cage. Keep Equate infants gas relief drops, simethicone 20 and give it a half a dose while it's small when adding gassy veggies..Do a lot of research online and educate yourself!!!!!! Now, are you sure this rabbit doesn't have babies somewhere???????? If it does, it needs to be set free. I'm unblocking my email for 24 hours, email me with your addy and I will give you my direct email addy and will try and help you at anytime. I have done more research than anyone could imagine. My bunny would have died 3 years ago, had it not been for my research because the vet and several thousand dollars was NOT helping her!!!!!!!!! Rabbits love tunnels, you can buy a big one and they will chew and play running through them. They love to hide-a plastic igloo/pet stores carry if your cage space allows it would be great. Water bottle and crock of water-until you know for sure it can use the bottle...I take the bunny and show it water comes out of the bottle-they catch on fast. NEVER bath a rabbit-It could go into shock and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TC!!!!!!! Juliahttp://www.bio.miami.edu/hare/poop.html