Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated?

My dog has been neutered for about 3 years and sometimes when he has been sleeping a lot, I see that there is gooey white/beige stuff coming out of his Penis. I am not concerned but just would like to know if he is having little wet dreams or if the…

    Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated?

    My dog has been neutered for about 3 years and sometimes when he has been sleeping a lot, I see that there is gooey white/beige stuff coming out of his Penis. I am not concerned but just would like to know if he is having little wet dreams or if the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated?...

    • Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated?

      Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has been neutered for about 3 years and sometimes when he has been sleeping a lot, I see that there is gooey white/beige stuff coming out of his Penis. I am not concerned but just would like to know if he is having little wet dreams or if the doctor messed up when they neutered because he is still a little horny fella.

      Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated?

      Is it possible for my dog to ejaculate after being castrated? General Dog Discussions
    • It is the same as if a man got himself fixed. All the fun with no risk, still a scary thought though. Although with what I notice is that dogs who get it done as puppies dont even attempt, whereas, dogs who get fixed as an adult have the same situation as you. I am sure there are puppies who were fixed though that do experience this.

    • I would not say it is wet dreams! When they are neutered they still have "gooey stuff"! Remember, dogs aren't people, they don't get turned on by hot dogs or porn! They do mount each other as a dominance thing! Even female dogs do it sometimes! It's just their instincts! Hey, either way your buddy seems to be happy!