my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..?

she will eat and if she doesn't move she will not throw up, but if she does move she will throw up. she has been really lazy and she usually isn't lazy. it is also very hard for us to get her to eat. but she has been drinking pedialyte. barley. its been…

    my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..?

    she will eat and if she doesn't move she will not throw up, but if she does move she will throw up. she has been really lazy and she usually isn't lazy. it is also very hard for us to get her to eat. but she has been drinking pedialyte. barley. its been…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..?...

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    • my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..?

      my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..? General Dog Discussions
      she will eat and if she doesn't move she will not throw up, but if she does move she will throw up. she has been really lazy and she usually isn't lazy. it is also very hard for us to get her to eat. but she has been drinking pedialyte. barley. its been happening for the past day or 2 so we haven't been able too contact a vet because its the weekend. im really worried because she is just a puppy, about 2 months. she is sick, i know she is. but it just happened all of a sudden. does anyone know what could be wrong or what i can do to keep her going till tomorrow when i can call the vet?

      my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..?

      my dog has been throwing up, but not normally ..? General Dog Discussions
    • You can always take your dog to an emergency vet clinic - they are open 24/7 - weekends and holidays. Also, your vet will have an after hours emergency phone number so that you can contact him when there is an emergency - all vets have this service. Your dogs symptoms are common of a whole host of issued from the benign to the more severe.So, call your vet at his after hours number and see if he has any recommendations - it won't cost you anything .

    • Emergency vets are open 24/7, weekends, evenings, holidays. Your vet's answer service would have this emergency info. Get off your phone and make the call. 2 days, and you haven't made a call to your vet? Why?

    • she could just have the flu or maybe she ate something that made her sick. It could be that she has swallowed something that is stuck and has a blockage. She couldn't have gotten into any rotten fish could she have? Is her vomit like normal looking vomit or is it foamy? if it is foamy she could have gotten into something that has poisoned her like chemicals. Take her temperature VERY IMPORTANT! You can get a digital thermometer that is accurate at the dollar store. Put a little vasseline on the tip and insert it into her rear.(The only way to tell a dogs temperature is with a thermometer. A dogs temperature should be around 100 or 101 degrees. Even 102 degrees is ok. If her temperature is higher than that, then you should be concerned. Feeling the nose to see if it is hot or cold is just a wives tale. The nose should be wet or damp and a dry nose can indicate a dog is not feeling well but it is so important that you take your dogs temperature. If her temperature is not high, then you can relax until you get her to the vet after the weekend. I hope your dog is ok and I hope I have helped you in some way. I know how it feels to be worried about a dog. It would be so much easier if the could just tell us where they hurt. Good Luck to both of you