I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in?

My friend has an old dog that has injured himself badly, both knees blew out. He needs 3000 units of powdered glucosamine daily, but hes not wanting to eat it in his food. I need a dog treat recipe that contains the glucosamine.

    I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in?

    My friend has an old dog that has injured himself badly, both knees blew out. He needs 3000 units of powdered glucosamine daily, but hes not wanting to eat it in his food. I need a dog treat recipe that contains the glucosamine....
    General Dog Discussions : I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in?...

    • I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in?

      I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in? General Dog Discussions
      My friend has an old dog that has injured himself badly, both knees blew out. He needs 3000 units of powdered glucosamine daily, but hes not wanting to eat it in his food. I need a dog treat recipe that contains the glucosamine.

      I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in?

      I need a dog cookie recipe that I can add powdered glucosamine in? General Dog Discussions
    • I doubt you'll find one. If you bake or cook the dog treat, the glucosamine won't do him a bit of good. Why wouldn't they just buy the glucosamine chondroitin in pill form and give him the pills. If he won't swallow them wrapped in something, they can do it the old fashioned way.Did the vet prescribe that glucosamine? If the dog's that badly injured, surely he's taking something else as well. 3000mg daily is a huge dose.