What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack?

My dog just swallowed a thumb tack, and im not sure if it's fatal or not. What will happen and what can i do without giving her surgical attention from the vet? Please dont criticize. HELP!!!

    What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack?

    My dog just swallowed a thumb tack, and im not sure if it's fatal or not. What will happen and what can i do without giving her surgical attention from the vet? Please dont criticize. HELP!!!...
    General Dog Discussions : What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack?...

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    • What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack?

      What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack? General Dog Discussions
      My dog just swallowed a thumb tack, and im not sure if it's fatal or not. What will happen and what can i do without giving her surgical attention from the vet? Please dont criticize. HELP!!!

      What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack?

      What can happen to my dog if she swallows a thumb tack? General Dog Discussions
    • Wake up! You need veterinary emergency assistance now! This can perforate your dog's intestines. Don't whine about how you don't want veterinary intervention. If you are a pet owner that is something you must do from time to time. Get going!

    • he could either dissolve it in his stomach, and pass it safely, or it could make tiny tears in his throught (spelling's off, i know) stomach, and intestines. if he starts to scratch at his belly, or pass blood, take him to a vet.

    • well, without a vet help have her drink plenty of water and give her some food so she will p**p it out as soon as possible...my only advice besides going to a vet.....

    • Thumbtacks can be fatal to a dog because it will rip their intestines or cause severe constipation. get your butt of the computer and run with your doggy to the nearest pet hospital!!!

    • he's going to need to go to the vet, the thumbtack can peice his intestines causeing pain and vomiting and it won't pass, if it gets stuck it could peirce through his intestines and cause major damage, get your dog to a vet, you'd take your kid to the hospital if he swallowed a thumbtack wouldn't you?

    • Go to to a vet! And quickly! If they do surgery they will numb your dog, so it wont hurt.. So No need to panic. Because, imagine you swallowd a thumb tack! Would you go to the hospital, or just stay home and ask ppl wat to do? Hurry, up and think logically!

    • Why on earth would you just sit on your computer and wait for us to answer. 1) we are not vets2) A thumb tack can be fatal...what more do you need to know? 3) Go to a vet already!! The longer you wait the more damage is being done!

    • TAKE TO THE VET ASAP give him/her something to make her p**p it out lol call the vet if that won't work ASAP................I WOULD SUGGEST SHE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE SURGRY if u dont wont to do that then give her something that make him/her p**p lol ♥

    • No criticism here! My little will eat anything he can find, food or not. And he always seems to find things from places my broom just doesn't reach. He has a stash of Popsicle sticks and pencils somewhere... Just before Halloween he ate a straight pin. I saw it in his mouth, tried to take it but it got turned and down the hatch. I didn't sleep the next day, less then five minutes before he was seeing the vet he pooped it out perfectly, no blood nothing.I was VERY lucky.The thumbtack can kill your dog. Take it to a vet.

    • At the very least, call your vet or an animal hospital for advice. My dog ate 4 lug nuts when I was rotating tires on my truck. I called the vet. In my case the vet told me to watch for the lug nuts to reappear in my backyard over the course of two days- they all four did. If they hadn't of, he would've needed surgery.

    • Your dog will probably be fine and poop it out in a few days, be sure to watch his poop for it. Keep an eye on him, if he doesn't pass it or isn't acting like himself - call a vet right away. Dogs swallow alot of stuff that we never know about, so I wouldn't panic at this point.