How much Gravol can I give my dog?

I have a 80 pound 11 month old German Shepherd pup. She get car sick on long road trips and I've heard that you can give a dog gravol. I've heard that giving dogs the dose of 2-4mg per pound is acceptable. But if i were to give her the maximum doseage…

    How much Gravol can I give my dog?

    I have a 80 pound 11 month old German Shepherd pup. She get car sick on long road trips and I've heard that you can give a dog gravol. I've heard that giving dogs the dose of 2-4mg per pound is acceptable. But if i were to give her the maximum doseage…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much Gravol can I give my dog?...

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    • How much Gravol can I give my dog?

      How much Gravol can I give my dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 80 pound 11 month old German Shepherd pup. She get car sick on long road trips and I've heard that you can give a dog gravol. I've heard that giving dogs the dose of 2-4mg per pound is acceptable. But if i were to give her the maximum doseage that would be 320mg and it's 300% more than what a normal adult has. Is this just because their body metabolizes it differently? What would be an acceptable dose to give the pup?

      How much Gravol can I give my dog?

      How much Gravol can I give my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Discuss this with your vet. They can tell you if this drug (dimenhydrinate, often also marketed as brand-name Dramamine in the US) can be used in dogs, and suggest an appropriate dosing. They would also be able to suggest a canine-friendly substitute if dimenhydrinate is not a good choice.Wikipedia suggests a 50mg dose of this drug for dogs, but I would still confirm with your vet.It is never a good idea to give your animals human medications without vet direction. Medications are compounded to act very specifically in the human body, and their mechanism may not work or may have ill effects in non-humans because they lack similar targets.

    • Discuss this with your vet. Yes, Gravol can be given to dogs, just like Benadryl can be given--however, your vet will understand your dog's medical history and be the best to advise you on the dosage and if the medicine is appropriate.A medication called Cerenia is also available to help with motion sickness. Read up on it since it does have some potential side effects.