A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn?

I just discovered a stray dog has given birth to a litter of puppies in an old barn/shed in our backyard. I really don't know what to do about it. We have a dog, don't need, nor would my hubby allow for us to have another. I don't want to call the…

    A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn?

    I just discovered a stray dog has given birth to a litter of puppies in an old barn/shed in our backyard. I really don't know what to do about it. We have a dog, don't need, nor would my hubby allow for us to have another. I don't want to call the…...
    General Dog Discussions : A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn?...

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    • A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn?

      A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn? General Dog Discussions
      I just discovered a stray dog has given birth to a litter of puppies in an old barn/shed in our backyard. I really don't know what to do about it. We have a dog, don't need, nor would my hubby allow for us to have another. I don't want to call the humane society, because it's a really awful place and far from humane IMO. We have four small children and I know it's going to make for a difficult situation when the pups start making their way out of the barn.Any ideas or thoughts as to what i can do? How old do the pups need to be before they can be separated from their mother? OMG, the are soooo cute. I just don't really know what the best solution to this dilemma may be? Thanks for any advice you may have to share.Thanks to all that have responded, well all except uh, "iluvtorofl." Unfortunately, all the no kill shelters are maxed out, sooooo, it looks like I'm just going to have to let them reside in the barn for awhile and hope I can find homes for them, as i can't bear to have animal control pick them up. To mrs. iluvtorofl, WTF is your trip? i think you're taking things a bit too literal and out of context. what an ASS-inine statement to make, (mispelling intended, as to avoid the grammar police), so much so, that i refuse to rebuttal, as it would be completely unfair to have a battle of wits w/ an unarmed person(you). Thanks for the laugh though.Geez, I've been censored. A.SS-inine....thank you very much.

      A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn?

      A stray dog had a litter of puppies in my barn? General Dog Discussions
    • I would give the pups at least six weeks b4 sepetating them from their mother. They have to be able to eat solid food. Place a free to good home ad in the paper and tell your husband your taking care of it. Good luck!

    • They shouldn't be seperated before 8 weeks. Look online for rescue groups in your area. They aren't the humane society but can provide health care and proper care and placement for the puppies and maybe even the mother! Search animal rescue groups in (your area) on google. Best of luck.

    • they need to be 6-8 weeks old before they can leave their mother. Just put an ad in the paper that says "stray pupps-free to a good home" it will melt peoples hearts and they will want to help a pupp without a home. And you never know maybe somone will take the mother as well., and then they will all be sa fe and loved.

    • They need to be atleast six weeks to be away from mom. She will start to make them quit nursing by nippin' at them. When they are old enough I would take some pics of them and put an ad on your local or closest Craiglist page. Or ad in news paper. You will probably be able to find a home for them and the mom. Hang up flyer at your vets in the area & grocery stores, etc. I just got a puppy off of www.petfinder.com and he is absolutley wonderful. You could list them there as well.

    • give the pups about 2 months to separate from their mom. try to find a place where they dont put doggies to sleep. i would hate for the dogs to be put the sleep. they sound so sweet. well i hope my info was helpful. good luck. :)

    • well they need to be with mommy for at least 8 weeks! I would sell them in the newspaper, or give them away since they arent yours to make money off of (lets not be oppertunistic here) it would be nicer that way! good lucki agree with the "humane" socity..dont put them there or they will be euthanized by next wednesday :(good luck! post pics :)

    • they need to be 5-6 weeks old before separating them from thier mother. as far as what to do about them, there are no-kill shelters, ads in the paper, flyers, wal-mart parking lot and web sites to give them away. also you can check with your vet to see what he thinks.

    • i would call your vet see if they know of someone who can help. u could call the shelter and see if their is someone who can take them and not end up being owned by the HS.if u think she is of a breed try breed rescues or a breeder of her breed. pups should be at very least 8 weeks. 12 is better.oh and if u are goig to be careing for then u should give mom either puppy food or food made for welping mothers. she needs the extras in the food.

    • Your husband wouldn't allow it? Wow. Pups can really be separated from Mom and do just fine at 5 weeks. In some states the laws prohibit that, but they do fine. When I was a kid everyone gave away their puppies at five weeks. I have gotten puppies as early as 4 weeks and raised them just fine. I remember keeping them in a box in the kitchen in front of the wood stove and feeding them bread dipped in goat's milk when I was a little kid. Now people scream to keep them with Mom for ten to twelve weeks. But it's really not necessary.When the babies are eating on their own, I would run an ad in the paper for free puppies and let people take them and Mom. One problem you will have that they may be rather feral. They need for your kids to take care of them and handle them in order to be adoptable. And it's ok for the kids to be upset at saying goodbye. That is part of life they just have to learn. As far as hubby allowing or not allowing anything? Well I have an opinion on that too, but that would be in a different category. I can't imagine my hubby telling me he didn't "allow" anything.