Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days?

I have a Sheltie mix and he has to go to the vet on the 3rd. I don't have a car and I can't get a ride in, so a friend let me have her dog stroller so I could take him on the bus. He fits fine it and all, but he's never been in one before, let alone in a…

    Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days?

    I have a Sheltie mix and he has to go to the vet on the 3rd. I don't have a car and I can't get a ride in, so a friend let me have her dog stroller so I could take him on the bus. He fits fine it and all, but he's never been in one before, let alone in a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days?...

    • Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days?

      Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days? General Dog Discussions
      I have a Sheltie mix and he has to go to the vet on the 3rd. I don't have a car and I can't get a ride in, so a friend let me have her dog stroller so I could take him on the bus. He fits fine it and all, but he's never been in one before, let alone in a moving vehicle.It has a mesh cover that is held down with velcro, so I'm hoping it won't be as scary for him. The worst part is that he gets car sick. I don't know what to do. He really needs to see the vet for a skin problem he's got, but I'm worried about him freaking out. Is there anything I can do to help him adjust quickly to being in this stroller?

      Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days?

      Is there any way to get my dog used to a stroller in 2 days? General Dog Discussions
    • have you even tried putting the dog in the stroller and walking it around the block ??? you know your dog, random people on the internet do not ... only you can judge if your dog has the temperament to tolerate a new experience ... and maybe call your vet and ask if you can give the dog a gravol before you leave for the appointment, it will prevent vomiting and have a somewhat calming effect ...

    • Dont feed your dog for several hours before going in the stroller, that way if it gets sick it wont be really messy. Look into rescue remedy, its all natural and is used as a stress relief