What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog?

This happens a lot when I'm walking my beagle. I don't know how to defend him or even if I should. Sometimes my dog seems excited about the other dog and other times his hackles go up. Should I assume he is a good judge of the other dog's behavior? …

    What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog?

    This happens a lot when I'm walking my beagle. I don't know how to defend him or even if I should. Sometimes my dog seems excited about the other dog and other times his hackles go up. Should I assume he is a good judge of the other dog's behavior? …...
    General Dog Discussions : What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog?...

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    • What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog?

      What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog? General Dog Discussions
      This happens a lot when I'm walking my beagle. I don't know how to defend him or even if I should. Sometimes my dog seems excited about the other dog and other times his hackles go up. Should I assume he is a good judge of the other dog's behavior? Even so, then what do I do? I've heard pepper spray is a no-no and maybe a dog whistle would work? Thoughts?PS - We have a leash law here. Some people ignore it though. These people apparently don't know how aggressive their dogs are when they're not around. Not very responsible dog owners. Hope they don't do the same with their kids...

      What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog?

      What's the safest thing to do when approached by an angry dog? General Dog Discussions
    • best thing to dom is kick it in the face as hard as you can the number one reason why people get attacked by dogs is because they were too scared to hurt it

    • M|y old neighbor used to walk with my dog and me. We alwasy came across a Shepherd who had a very irresponsible owner. My neighbor would put his arms straight out (like an airplane) and walk slowly towards the dog without saying anything. For whatever reason the dog would turn around and go back home. Maybe it was making himself look big that did it? I don't know, but he saved us many times.

    • just remain calm,. don't make eye contact or move sudden or swing your hands and arms,.this will make the dog angry and may even lunge at you to bite you.,,. good luck thanks,..,p.s ..i have two rottweilers now,.so i know,..,

    • pick up your beagle and keep him AND you calm. if it doesnt go away...(try getting a cell if u dont have one)and call for help. Dont try to scare it away though, it might attack!!!

    • Face the dog and cuss it out in a loud and angry voice. MOST dogs won't approach if you don't act scared. You should know by the dogs actions if he is there for play or to fight. I do wish people would control their dogs. Hey, if it bothers you carry a baseball bat., big stick or a whip.

    • Wuddup? Me, personally....i say you take your dog near the angry one. Chances are all he wants to do, is smell your dog, and see if it's a boy or girl, if u have a girl, chances are they'll attempt to have sex. Which you probably wouldn't want, but i think that would only help solve the situation.

    • Whatever you do just dont look in the dogs eyes. Dogs can see your fear in your eyes. Act not afraid. Also inform the dogs owner. Or just avoid the house all together. Hurting the dog could get you in serious trouble with dog and police.

    • do not turn your back that is a sign of weakness!!!! put your hands on your hips to make yourself appear larger, keep your head (chin up) and chest out as if your standing up to a bully. walk towards the dog as if you own the space around you. let him know that is your space! look him in the eye and do not look away make him look away first. dogs are pac animals you need to establish you are a pac leader.