anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!?

Any doctors or vets that can help me and my puppy plz??okay so my puppy was pooping blood in his feces.. like first he would poop like diahrriah and mucus and then like a couple of drops of blood, so i got very worried thinking he had coccidia, so they…

    anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!?

    Any doctors or vets that can help me and my puppy plz??okay so my puppy was pooping blood in his feces.. like first he would poop like diahrriah and mucus and then like a couple of drops of blood, so i got very worried thinking he had coccidia, so they…...
    General Dog Discussions : anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!?...

    • anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!?

      anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!? General Dog Discussions
      Any doctors or vets that can help me and my puppy plz??okay so my puppy was pooping blood in his feces.. like first he would poop like diahrriah and mucus and then like a couple of drops of blood, so i got very worried thinking he had coccidia, so they gave him a stool test, then later on called me n told me the results were negative and that hes fine,, which i believe cuz he is hypper and eating and all... and if a puppy is sick he would b weak and all rite?? well yeah but then i remembered i put the poop in the refrigerator for like 10 mins and then thinkin mayb i messed up the results by doing that u think?? cuz i juss dont get it why that those lil drops of liquidy blood?? any ans?...thanks guys

      anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!?

      anyone that loves their dog and knows about puppies plz ans me!!? General Dog Discussions
    • It could be a number of things. To answer this properly, I need to know if the blood was a light red or a dark red? If it is a DARK RED he could have any of the following:General CausesInfectious agentsCertain drugs CancerForeign bodies in the stomach or intestinesInfiltrative and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseasesIngestion of bloodCoagulopathies (bleeding disorders)Metabolic and other diseases that cause gastrointestinal ulcerationHemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE)Perioperative hemorrhage (bleeding associated with surgery on the intestinal tract)Gastrointestinal ischemia (lack of blood supply) Ingestion of heavy metals (uncommon causes)These are signs to watch out for:Dark, almost black stoolsDiarrheaVomitingPale gumsOther areas of bleeding or bruising on the bodyWeight lossPoor appetiteExcessive drinking or urinatingExcessive urinatingYou need to ask your vet what could be wrong. They need to do a lot more than just a simple stool test.