My dog is going to have puppies ?

I have a bred one year old lab. She got bred at a boarding kennel when I was out of town. It was a honest mistake and I should have had her spayed before boarding. I found out about her being breed due to a emergency vet visit bc she had gotten bite by a…

    My dog is going to have puppies ?

    I have a bred one year old lab. She got bred at a boarding kennel when I was out of town. It was a honest mistake and I should have had her spayed before boarding. I found out about her being breed due to a emergency vet visit bc she had gotten bite by a…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is going to have puppies ?...

    • My dog is going to have puppies ?

      My dog is going to have puppies ? General Dog Discussions
      I have a bred one year old lab. She got bred at a boarding kennel when I was out of town. It was a honest mistake and I should have had her spayed before boarding. I found out about her being breed due to a emergency vet visit bc she had gotten bite by a rattle snake. The vet did not recommend the spay because of how sick she had gotten from the bite. Now I will have puppies soon the vet says spay could be deadly because she is heavy bred now and infection and hemorrhage would be a big problem I have talked to dog breeders and my vet on proper nutrition an was wanting to know if anybody had a home treat that was truly safe and tape worm free idea thanks

      My dog is going to have puppies ?

      My dog is going to have puppies ? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to ask the vet about getting rid of tapeworms in a pregnant dog and do or don't do what he says. But you can help her not get further infected by getting rid of fleas. The larva of the tape worm is in a flea that happened in its early life stages to eat the tapeworm eggs. So vacuum the house, and wash the dogs bedding and wash your dog as needed but not to the point of stressing her and apply any flea treatments that the vet says are ok for a pregnant dog. As far as treats go buy a very high quality dogs food and supplement with small treats that are high protein. My dogs like bits of chicken but rely on the high quality dog food.