Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment?

My dog has cancer and got his first treatment of chemo : doxirubicin" It leaked from the cathered. This is rare but the drug caused my his flesh to rot off and caused a serious injury. It is so serious that they might have to amputate his leg. My vet…

    Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment?

    My dog has cancer and got his first treatment of chemo : doxirubicin" It leaked from the cathered. This is rare but the drug caused my his flesh to rot off and caused a serious injury. It is so serious that they might have to amputate his leg. My vet…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment?...

    • Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment?

      Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has cancer and got his first treatment of chemo : doxirubicin" It leaked from the cathered. This is rare but the drug caused my his flesh to rot off and caused a serious injury. It is so serious that they might have to amputate his leg. My vet is trying to make me pay for all the treatments which is going to be very expensive on top of the continued chemo treaments. The injury is a direct result of them not administering the drug correctly. Is this right?

      Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment?

      Dog got chemo and it leaked should I have to pay for the treatment? General Dog Discussions
    • Sounds to me like an adverse reaction. Anybody else with more experience, please correct me if I'm wrong.But if it was from a reaction and not veterinarian negligence, you're responsible for treatment accordingly because there was no way the vet could have known. This is a risk you play when your dog is in such a serious state.If it was veterinarian negligence, I'd ask him to discontinue treatment and move to another veterinarian.

    • Taking the option to treat the cancer using chemotherapy itself is a risk. I have no doubt that the vet would have discussed with you the risk assiciated with the procedure. You mention that it is rare for the drug to leak from the catheter, this tells me that you knew there was a risk it may happen. Unfortunately, and as hard as it may be, this is just one of those things associated with the treatment. If you are in any way unsatisfied with the treatment your vet has provided, go to anoher vet, but bear in mind that you will still be up for associated costs.

    • As indicated in another answer ; what is the side effect ; if this injury is purely because of human error then it is negligence even at a vet's office; obviously you love you pet to go through this but you didn't ask to damage and torture your pet further , sounds like a discussion with your vet stating just that; sometimes , people will try to get away with what you allow them to; go get another opinion from another vet and treat where you feel confident; seems this vet has caused the loss of it for good reason; good luck and God's strength to you and your pet