Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months?

I'm in a foreign country and couldn't get him a vet appointment for an extra 1.5 months after these two shots were due.Do you think he has residual immunity until the appointment? He is around other dogs.

    Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months?

    I'm in a foreign country and couldn't get him a vet appointment for an extra 1.5 months after these two shots were due.Do you think he has residual immunity until the appointment? He is around other dogs....
    General Dog Discussions : Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months?...

    • Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months?

      Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months? General Dog Discussions
      I'm in a foreign country and couldn't get him a vet appointment for an extra 1.5 months after these two shots were due.Do you think he has residual immunity until the appointment? He is around other dogs.

      Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months?

      Does my dog have residual immunity if I can't get him lepto and bordatella shots for an extra 1.5 months? General Dog Discussions
    • Most dogs will carry immunity for a long time, much as the KC shot may not be effective as the viral KC mutates so even a regularly boostered dog, for this, may still go down with it, albeit a milder version which is more quickly shaken off. There has been a lot of new thinking re boostering and more popular belief suggests that most dogs don't need annual boosters, apart from that for Leptospirosis which it is still felt is needed to be done annually. The rest can be done 3-yearly. I've just switched mine to this schedule, with the agreement of my vet.Just watch your vet because some are telling their clients that if they have lapsed, they need the full set again! I'd reject this. The only way to know for sure what your dog is at risk of picking up, is to have titres done.I've never boostered mine, rabies apart when we lived where this was needed, by law, beyond 7 years of age.

    • There are activists that are pushing for 3 years between shots and a few saying one shot gives lifetime immunity. I think science sides with longer between shots. I wouldn't worry about it.