What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live?

My dog now is already six or seven years old. How can I make sure she lives as long as she is able, or more (I mean in a healthy state in which she would want to keep living). And for when I get a new dog in the future, how should I raise it so that it…

    What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live?

    My dog now is already six or seven years old. How can I make sure she lives as long as she is able, or more (I mean in a healthy state in which she would want to keep living). And for when I get a new dog in the future, how should I raise it so that it…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live?...

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    • What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live?

      What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live? General Dog Discussions
      My dog now is already six or seven years old. How can I make sure she lives as long as she is able, or more (I mean in a healthy state in which she would want to keep living). And for when I get a new dog in the future, how should I raise it so that it lives the longest in healthy state?

      What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live?

      What are some ways to help ensure your dog has the largest lifespan it can live? General Dog Discussions
    • To make your dog healthy just do healthy things, exercise and right diet. and also proper grooming.Well, if you want your dog to be on the "Longest Lifespan Ever", why not put her into a bubble! Try. :D

    • You wont believe what I found out!Apparently feeding your dog DOG FOOD is bad. Here's why, (this may sound gross but stick with me here) Dogs and cats that are...euthinized get put in the food. (or put down in some terms) a vet talked to this man who had a beagle that was full of energy, but then started to calm down.the vet said. "Your feeding him commercial dog food, your practically killing your dog."So here's my suggestion, you might want to cook for your dog :l it may be a little challenge, but it's for the best.

    • Feed a good quality food.Do not over feed.Keep the teeth clean.Keep your dog exercised and in good weight.Give your dog new things to do.Love her.Genetics plays a role in longevity.If there's a medical issue, consult your vet.Get her spayed at the appropriate age.Keep her in the yard. Don't allow her to run loose.Don't let her ride unrestrained in the back of a pick-up.Vaccinate appropriately. Dogs do not need yearly vaccinations in most cases.Love her.