Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog?

If you don't know what it is it helps reduce shedding in dogs.Thanks for your help in advance!

    Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog?

    If you don't know what it is it helps reduce shedding in dogs.Thanks for your help in advance!...
    General Dog Discussions : Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog?...

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    • Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog?

      Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      If you don't know what it is it helps reduce shedding in dogs.Thanks for your help in advance!

      Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog?

      Would I need a prescription for Derma Cap for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • If your're talking about Derm Caps, it's actually an omega 3 fatty acid supliment. Good for skin health. You help the skin, you help the haircoat. Generally easy to get, as it's not really a prescription item. I would ask you vet if your pet could use them as giving too many supliments could be harmful. Get a Furminator brush...they're great for shedding!