How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair?

In the past, I've used tape-like products, and neither of the other two cats does it as a result. My male cat uses his post to scratch, but he also launches off the leather furniture, which is now covered with towels. Yesterday, I found a hidden spot…

    How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair?

    In the past, I've used tape-like products, and neither of the other two cats does it as a result. My male cat uses his post to scratch, but he also launches off the leather furniture, which is now covered with towels. Yesterday, I found a hidden spot…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair?...

    • How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair?

      How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair? Other Pet Discussions
      In the past, I've used tape-like products, and neither of the other two cats does it as a result. My male cat uses his post to scratch, but he also launches off the leather furniture, which is now covered with towels. Yesterday, I found a hidden spot he'd scratched. Aside from removing his claws, what can I do to change his behavior?He has 2 scratching posts, which he loves.

      How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair?

      How do I get my cat to stop scratching the leather chair? Other Pet Discussions
    • removing his claws????? sounds nasty. and all this talk is kind of nasty irresponsible talk. what is more precious - animal, which is alive organism, ur friend, member of ur family, which loves u with all his small porr heart or leather chair u can buy everywhere???? how could u doubt?let the cat do what he wants don't be cruel to him pls

    • Well you can keep him out of the living room but that would just be mean! Just tell him no and he will eventually learn not to scratch the leather chair!

    • My cat would always scratch my wicker furniture. So one day i bought a scratching post and put it right buy the spot she was scratching. so everytime she went to go scratch the furniture she would scratch the post instead! It worked and now she likes the post way better!

    • you can buy claw caps they are completely safe and they cant scratch your furniture , or using a water bottle, and their is also sprays that are suppose to help stop them from clwaing furniture.

    • THere are sprays you can spray onto your chair that cats dont like the smell of but they must be reapplied frequently.Use SOFT PAWS or other claw covers - these work brilliantly.If you see this when its happening - spray the kitty wiht one squirt of water... this only will work if you catch the cat in the act of scratching and dont spray more than at that time.(hitting wiht newspaper as one person suggested will not work and cats can avoid this anyhow)Make the spot less accessable - provide kitty with a scratching post and more toys (honeysuckle toys)

    • Well its probably too late now to really do anything unless u declaw , but I don't suggest that, I've read studies on what they do to declaw and I would never do that to my cat! Would you want to have somebody rip your nails out of your fingers? SO.. I've tried all that there is.. the sprays on the chairs and scents cats hate.. nothing works.. not even spraying the cat with water works (my cat likes water) slap on the butt, loud noise.. nothing works.. Got rid of the chesterfield that he did it to instead of the cat.. Just left his favorite chair and footstool that he likes.. he leaves everything else alone. Best thing to do is when you first get a kitten is to teach them to use a scratching post right from the start..

    • Replace the leather chair with iron chair.There is no cat in this whole universe who can scratch iron chair. ;-)This will serve two purposes1. You will get a durable chair that will last much long then leather chair,2. Your pesky cat will not dare to scratch anything else.Thats cooooll