Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now?

She cant eat her dog food for another 2 weeks b/c her stomach lining from recovering from parvo. I have a bunch of sausage and livermush frozen and Im just wondering if it would be good to put with rice for her?

    Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now?

    She cant eat her dog food for another 2 weeks b/c her stomach lining from recovering from parvo. I have a bunch of sausage and livermush frozen and Im just wondering if it would be good to put with rice for her?...
    General Dog Discussions : Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now?...

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    • Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now?

      Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now? General Dog Discussions
      She cant eat her dog food for another 2 weeks b/c her stomach lining from recovering from parvo. I have a bunch of sausage and livermush frozen and Im just wondering if it would be good to put with rice for her?

      Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now?

      Would sausage and liver mush be good for a dog who cant eat their dog food right now? General Dog Discussions
    • Liver is *very* rich, and will do no good for your dog right now. Pork (sausage) generally is not good for dogs, and certainly not good for your dog at this time.As was mentioned above, plain white rice with boiled chicken breast would be ideal.

    • She needs a bland food, liver and sausage are just the opposite. They will cause her stomach to be upset and give her diarrhea (which is the last thing she needs after being dehydrated by the parvo) Boiled white chicken and cooked rice would be best.

    • You definitely don't want to feed a dog with an iffy stomach sausage. Sausage is spiced which a lot of dogs don't do well with anyway much less a dog recovering from parvo. Liver is very rich and should not be fed to any dog on a daily basis. A dog that eats too much liver can develop vitamin A toxicity which can cause liver damage.With a dog recovering from a serious stomach ailment you want to go with something VERY bland like boiled chicken and plain rice in very small servings frequently. Check with your vet to see what he or she recommends, but I would think boiled chicken and rice would be safest.ETA: I would also put the dog on a probiotic like FastTrack after checking with the vet to make sure it is okay for her.

    • No, thats the worst diet I ever heard of for a sick dog, where are your parents, give a small amt. of boiled, skinless, boneless chicken mixed with rice, give according to the size of your dog, hope somone can figure it out