With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food?

With the recent scare with the contaminated dry and wet dog foods , I would rather make my own dog food and have my dogs safe and healthy. There are sites on the web, but none of them actually give you a physical recipe.

    With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food?

    With the recent scare with the contaminated dry and wet dog foods , I would rather make my own dog food and have my dogs safe and healthy. There are sites on the web, but none of them actually give you a physical recipe....
    General Dog Discussions : With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food?...

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    • With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food?

      With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food? General Dog Discussions
      With the recent scare with the contaminated dry and wet dog foods , I would rather make my own dog food and have my dogs safe and healthy. There are sites on the web, but none of them actually give you a physical recipe.

      With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food?

      With the recent scare of the contaminated dog food, how would I make homemade dog food? General Dog Discussions
    • While, of course this is feasible, I feel like there are certain thigns dogs need that we might not think about feeding them.There is a company called Nature's Variety. They have raw food and kibble. All of their food is USDA certified for HUMAN consumption, so you know it's just as safe as the food you buy for yourself at the grocery store.So, I know this doesn't really answer your question, but it's what I'm doing for my dogs.Nature's Variety ~ http://www.naturesvariety.com/

    • Here is a terrifc site just released with a list of quality, healthy, human grade dog foods. Also, making their food is so easy, healthy, and costs about the same as canned/dry. Google or Yahoo Homemade dogfood recipies, there are many sites, at the same time, make sure you research what human foods NOT to feed them, there are a few that can kill them. ie; chocolate, onions, fruit seeds and some peels as well as cores, potato skins, too much broccoli, tomatoes, COOKED BONES, ALWAYS give raw bones, never cooked, they splinter.Here is a great site!http://www.standeyo.com/NEWS/07_Animals/070327.OK.pet.foods.html

    • Raw diet info:http://www.leerburg.com/pdf/feedingrawdiet.pdfhttp://www.skansen.com/nutrition/diet.htmhttp://www.4loveofdog.com/menu.htmRaw diet example:http://www.tkoboxers.com/barf.htmlIf you must feed kibble go to this site and pick out the 5 or 6 star brands:http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/

    • Try out some of Rachael Ray’s homemade dog recipes. http://www.rachaelraymag.com/recipe/27789/http://www.rachaelraymag.com/content/27194/http://www.rachaelraymag.com/content/26382/http://www.rachaelraymag.com/content/21834/