What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?

Drag his butt on Mom's brand new Persian rug? Jump up and greet your new Father-In-Law with a head butt to the family jewels?I want to hear it all! Do tell!Thanks in advanceAnimal Artwork: LOL!!! When your dog yarks up a TOILET, you will have a…

    What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?

    Drag his butt on Mom's brand new Persian rug? Jump up and greet your new Father-In-Law with a head butt to the family jewels?I want to hear it all! Do tell!Thanks in advanceAnimal Artwork: LOL!!! When your dog yarks up a TOILET, you will have a…...
    General Dog Discussions : What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?...

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    • What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?

      What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done? General Dog Discussions
      Drag his butt on Mom's brand new Persian rug? Jump up and greet your new Father-In-Law with a head butt to the family jewels?I want to hear it all! Do tell!Thanks in advanceAnimal Artwork: LOL!!! When your dog yarks up a TOILET, you will have a complete Ladies' Room at your *ahem* disposal!!!!

      What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?

      What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done? General Dog Discussions
    • The first time he ever met my husband's grandmother, our dog ran over to her and started humping her fuzzy slippers!And yeah, he's even fixed. Very abnormal for our dog.

    • When my ABPT was 3 months old, we took him to Pet Smart. We allowed him to potty before entering the store as he was still new at house training, but he still peed on the floor like 5 times. The associates were, of course, use to it, but we still found it embarrassing.

    • My boxer / pittbull mix got really excited when a friend came over, we were telling our friend how graceful she is, and just then she jumped on the bed and slid across completely due to our silk comforter and fell off the other side! So much for graceful!

    • My dog and I were competing in an agility trial and she decided she had to poo right on top of the "box" obstacle! So embarrasing! Now I REALLY make sure shes on empty before we go into the ring.

    • Ate papertowels that had been used to soak up bacon grease... pretty well swallowed them whole and when she pooped at the dog show she was like a giant paper towel dispenser and needed manual assistance to pass them.Ate feminine hygiene products and got sick... puked tampons in the vet's office. 2 weeks later, again at a dog show, she pooped out a maxi-pad.My highly trained Service Dog stood up on his hind legs and put his front feet on a nice older woman's shoulders for a hug when she said "I just want to HUG him". Unfortunately, he had muddy feet. :o( Luckily she had a great sense of humor.Man.. my face is red just thinking of those times!

    • I had a young female I was trying to title for her BH in Schutzhund...trying was the right word because she went after the judge (he almost lost his family jewels) because he accidentally poked her in the eye while petting her ending her big day in a big way and much earlier than I had planned...

    • Unknown to us a fellow camper took a poop behind a rock outcrop in Dinosaur Provincial Park. Our small dog ran over and gobbled it up. It was all over his hairy face. we had to drive an hour to a doggy wash where we bathed him. He ended up swallowing a lot of water in the process. On the drive back he barfed up human poop all over our car floor. So gross!

    • Max used to have a lovely habit of sticking his nose up guest's butts when they first meet. We have sense broken him of that lovely greeting.Penny used to pee anytime anyone touched her, thank goodness she grew out of that one.

    • When my Yorkie was a small puppy, I would tilt her head back and kiss her on the neck very fast. She loved it and would jump up on my chest and put her neck over my mouth so I would kiss it. One night my husband had an out of town co-worker that came to our house. This poor guy went into the den and sat down on the couch. All of a sudden, Dolly came running in the room, jumped up on this mans chest, and put her neck across his mouth. I guess she thought he came all the way to our house just to kiss her neck. We all laughed so hard, and the poor guy had no idea what she was doing. Embarrassing, but hysterical too.

    • my male pit used to run across the room and jump on the bed (the frame had wheels on it) right after we moved into a new apartment. I guess he thought this was fun. Until he decide to do it when our landlord was visiting. The bed rolled into a table, the lamp fell off the table and through the window. Needless to say, our landlord did not find this as funny as we did, and we ended up buying a new window.

    • This happened a long time ago with my dog Muller. I was then living in Los Angeles and had to take a trip to Vegas. It was a last minute thing so I had no choice but to take him with me. I dropped him off at a local vet for overnight boarding. I guess he was a bit upset about the car trip cos he pooped all over the vet's receiving area. Not in one place but literally all over the floor. Messy stinky poop. I apologized and left quickly. I picked him up the next day and lo and behold, he was so excited that he did it again. Next week, he humped my grandmas leg and would not let go.

    • well now you mention it, my dog came in from using the loo and scooted on my friends carpet...OMG!!! the carpet was cream to, so i look around to my friend and she wasn't looking .... phewww..i know i should have tld her lol

    • o gosh were do i start....scooting on other people carpets, doing the worst smelling farts in other peoples homes, OH and just as i was reassuring my gran that dogs are clean animals my little pup decides to give her bum a bit of a clean....:S oh gosh lets see, the most embarrassing i guess would be when i go to my friends houses and my pup decides to take a whizz on their cream £2000 carpet!!!! umm yeh soz about the guys....but she's only small so im sure theres more to come.

    • We were showing our 6 month old Basset Hound for the first time in a competition. She was doing really well, until she decided she'd had enough. Then she laid down in the middle of the grass, and wouldn't move. We tried to get her to move by bribing her with a treat, but no luck. We had to withdraw from the competition, but she did get a big hand for being so adorable.

    • Ok, If I MUST tell, I will. We were walking in the park a couple years ago. We walked past a big group of people. When we were right in front of them, Tiger started humping this one stray female dog. It was SO embarassing!!! I almost died from embarassment! Fortuanately, she didn't get pregnant. I took her home and found her owner in a week. ☻-MDL☺