What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?

Drag his butt on Mom's brand new Persian rug? Jump up and greet your new Father-In-Law with a head butt to the family jewels?I want to hear it all! Do tell!Thanks in advanceAnimal Artwork: LOL!!! When your dog yarks up a TOILET, you will have a…

    What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?

    Drag his butt on Mom's brand new Persian rug? Jump up and greet your new Father-In-Law with a head butt to the family jewels?I want to hear it all! Do tell!Thanks in advanceAnimal Artwork: LOL!!! When your dog yarks up a TOILET, you will have a…...
    General Dog Discussions : What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?...

    • sometimes i put on my roller skates and take my dog for a little walk/run. she loves it! (i guess it's the closet thing to being off the leash:) i live in a city so we go around the residential streets and i'm pretty good at manuvering over the many huge cracks in the sidewalk, braches, etc. well, one time we were just standing at a crosswalk (on a busy street) waiting for the light to change and she unexpectedly pulled the leash and i fell flat on my a**...hard. there were people driving by and even a couple standing near me. i just started busting up laughing because i knew it had to look hilarious...this little dog making me fall down. LoL

    • well, where to start...I didn't have her on a leash one day and we were going for a "ride", she always does really well and knows "go to your truck" means go and wait for me to get there, one day she got side tracked and chased one of the neighbors cats for a few minutes...LOL I'm just glad she didn't catch it for her sake, that was embarassing...she sniffs new male crotch... after they have come over once she has no interest in them except to say "Hi"...Elle has a crush on one of the hubbies friends...LOL...she'll sit on the couch next to him and stare....hehe...then she'll get real close and lick him in the face...LOL it's so funny, but embarassing cause she won't stop.She likes to run and jump on the jewels when males are sitting anywhere in the house....like a flying run and a dive about 5 feet throught the air. when at the office with me(vet) shes even more energetic...which I thought was impossible. but yeah, one of those annoying dogs, that embarasses me the most, because she's trained...and normally well behaved, but when I take her to work with me, she is like the bratty kid LOLand finally she "scooted" on one of our friends shoes when they sat on our couch LOL...

    • one day we went out for the day, and while we where out, my dog somehow locked himself in the bathroom. when we got home we walked into the bathroom, and there was poop ALL OVER!! the mirrors, the shower, the toilet. he must of got nervous and started spinning. and the best part is, on one spot, he unrolled the toilet paper, and covered it.