How do you know if your dog is retarded?

My dog is very lovable. He loves everyone he sees but gets confused with ordinarily mundane tasks (walking down stairs, knowing his name, recognizing that you cannot walk through walls) and does strange things like walking around the house while dragging…

    How do you know if your dog is retarded?

    My dog is very lovable. He loves everyone he sees but gets confused with ordinarily mundane tasks (walking down stairs, knowing his name, recognizing that you cannot walk through walls) and does strange things like walking around the house while dragging…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you know if your dog is retarded?...

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    • How do you know if your dog is retarded?

      How do you know if your dog is retarded? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is very lovable. He loves everyone he sees but gets confused with ordinarily mundane tasks (walking down stairs, knowing his name, recognizing that you cannot walk through walls) and does strange things like walking around the house while dragging his tongue on the floor. He doesn't realize that the same food that he eats everyday is the same and edible and we have to force him to eat. But he's very sweet. The breeder also mentioned something about his parents being litter-mates. Is there a test you can give your dog to see if they're retarded?

      How do you know if your dog is retarded?

      How do you know if your dog is retarded? General Dog Discussions