What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here?

I watched another day on a tv program,a stupid man that dragged his dog for miles by car.Well,the Rottweiller got seriously harmed and damaged. The vets had to take one of his legs off. Yesterday I knew the dog died,he couldn't stand the surgery.I can't…

    What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here?

    I watched another day on a tv program,a stupid man that dragged his dog for miles by car.Well,the Rottweiller got seriously harmed and damaged. The vets had to take one of his legs off. Yesterday I knew the dog died,he couldn't stand the surgery.I can't…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here?...

    • What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here?

      What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here? General Dog Discussions
      I watched another day on a tv program,a stupid man that dragged his dog for miles by car.Well,the Rottweiller got seriously harmed and damaged. The vets had to take one of his legs off. Yesterday I knew the dog died,he couldn't stand the surgery.I can't believe how certain people have no heart and don't even care about the animals.

      What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here?

      What do you think about mistratment to animals? Share your opinion here? General Dog Discussions
    • I can barely read this. I get really emotional when it comes to ANY kind of animal. I would not be afraid to really tell of anyone who hurts animals. It seems that when animals try to protect themselves or their babies, people kill them. When humans kill or hurt people, they get sent to jail for 10-15 years and then they get out. How would you people feel if you were tied to a car and were dragged like that. Someone really needs to make people suffer like animals do. </3 ;(

    • Dear Tati,I cannot understand the mentality of someone capable of doing that.I know that I am overreacting but I think perhaps the same thing should happen to the person who did that.Certainly he should never be allowed to keep animals again.Thank you for a thoughtful and thought provoking question.Good luck

    • It's just plain out sick and discussting. These type of people are wife abusers that look for anything to bully and abuse. Unfortunately, are cute little kittys and puppies are perfect targets. So sad. It makes me horribly angry. Thinking about what michael vick has done to those poor inocent creatures that do no harm to us makes me want to puke. And kill him. I could go on forever, but i'm getting too upset. God bless all souls who can't stand up for them selves and are victims of touture. No matter how small or furry>