how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal?

The vet gave us a sheet with instuctions on it but I think my mom accidently threw it away. I know it said to leave the cone on for 10-14 days so i can take it of today (its the 10th day and its driven me nuts lol) but I cant remember how long i'm…

    how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal?

    The vet gave us a sheet with instuctions on it but I think my mom accidently threw it away. I know it said to leave the cone on for 10-14 days so i can take it of today (its the 10th day and its driven me nuts lol) but I cant remember how long i'm…...
    General Dog Discussions : how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal?...

    • how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal?

      how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal? General Dog Discussions
      The vet gave us a sheet with instuctions on it but I think my mom accidently threw it away. I know it said to leave the cone on for 10-14 days so i can take it of today (its the 10th day and its driven me nuts lol) but I cant remember how long i'm supposed to leash walk her. I cant remember if its 10 days or 24 days (pretty sad I know)

      how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal?

      how long does my dog have to be walked on a leash after spay and tumor removal? General Dog Discussions
    • They told me to leash walk my dog for two weeks. She was really feeling fine after 6 days and it seemed like torture to keep her restrained, but the incision healed beautifully and I'm glad I gave her the full recovery time.

    • Its a pretty ambiguous number, go with what the dog's body language says. I walk my dog every day to keep him healthy and active, but if he had surgery, I'd let him rest until he walked on his own, then go for short walks and get longer and longer walks back up to normal

    • Your vet knows much more about your dog's condition and what she should be doing than anyone here. Always call them and ask for any advice, especially given that your dog has had more than just a normal spay. When walking any animal that has been through something like this, it is important to take into consideration the weather and terrian - it sounds to me as if this dog should probably go for a walk of no more than about 10-15 minutes on the flat, and perhaps less if it is hot or raining or humid out. Watch her carefully, and only ever go half as far away from the house as she seems happy to do, so you don't have trouble getting her back. Call the vet FIRST, before you take the e-collar off.