Is NOT having MONEY and excuse to not go to the VET?

i see that a lot of people on here say they dont want to take their dog to the vet because "i dont have a lot of money." i think thats the worst excuse ever! Do you think it shouldn't be about money but rather if the situation is serious enough?

    Is NOT having MONEY and excuse to not go to the VET?

    i see that a lot of people on here say they dont want to take their dog to the vet because "i dont have a lot of money." i think thats the worst excuse ever! Do you think it shouldn't be about money but rather if the situation is serious enough?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is NOT having MONEY and excuse to not go to the VET?...

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    • the best excuses i see are:Im a vetim a doc but i hav studies pets 2 hours during a stage xDi don't have a petBut having a pet is not like having a baby. i understand that some people can adopt (or hav his son/daughter adopt a pet in the street) or a just born one from friends that were on their way to drawn them in a bag and not getting the money. Vets are pretty expensivesAnd also lot of homeless lonely people outside big cities have a dog and i can usually see the dog never take baths so im sure he never see a vet

    • It is a horrible excuse. I live well below the poverty level, but always try to keep a small 'emergency fund' just in case! Letting an animal remain sick or injured in cases where it could be helped with a trip to the vet, is a terrible thing to least try to find a vet who will let you make a payment and then pay the rest in installments if your animal desperately needs a treatment that you can't afford right away...I would HOPE that there are still some offices out there who do this?! In general it is a good rule to follow that you should not have more pets (or children, for that matter!!!!) than you can handle financially or otherwise...

    • Wow, Yea that`s pretty lame haha. You might as well take care of your dog and go to the vet, and get it`s shots and stuff. Because if you don`t go for those check up`s it may cost more in the end. For example, One of your dogs could of bit someone and that dogg had rabies..That would be bad! So , It`s just a better idea to go to the vet, And yes. That is a verry stupid excuse lol.

    • When I was a kid and one of us got sick we had to be damned near deaths door to see a doctor All we had was Robitussin and Triaminic! The pets we had better not have gotten sick and if they did we tookem out in the woods. animals prefer to die alone anyway. We didnt put our pets in little outfits and carry them around in little handbags. Should you let an animal suffer? No of course not. but there are people livin on the street and people who work 60 hours a week and cant see a licensed professional.A damn dog shouldnt get treatment humans cant get! I agree if you cant afford it you shouldnt have one, but really prioritize people.