Is NOT having MONEY and excuse to not go to the VET?

i see that a lot of people on here say they dont want to take their dog to the vet because "i dont have a lot of money." i think thats the worst excuse ever! Do you think it shouldn't be about money but rather if the situation is serious enough?

    Is NOT having MONEY and excuse to not go to the VET?

    i see that a lot of people on here say they dont want to take their dog to the vet because "i dont have a lot of money." i think thats the worst excuse ever! Do you think it shouldn't be about money but rather if the situation is serious enough?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is NOT having MONEY and excuse to not go to the VET?...

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    • Any responsible pet owner knows that dogs need to go to the vet. They know that there WILL (not maybe) be emergencies they will have to pay for. Plus most vets will work with you, set up a payment plan. Not having money is just that, an excuse, a pitaful one at that.Add***Let me clarify something. My husband and I are in debt up to our eyeballs. We recently moved in with my parent's to pay it all off and start fresh. BUT if my dog had problems or needed a Vet visit, we would forgo any extra spending money (which wasnt much) and even pay a bill late just to get them checked out. We do not make a lot of money at all, but we always make sure our needs and the needs of our animals are taken care of. Example : My dog needed to be spayed, she was about to go into her first heat and my APBT would not leave her be. I found through SpayGA a certificate for $50 for low income to pay for her surgery. There ARE means of taking care of your animal, its just the fact if you're willing to do it.

    • People can't afford the vet but they can afford computers, internet, what ever. Its a pretty lame excuse. Another excuse used quite frequently is its late, or the weekend, or a holiday and no vets are open. Odd no one can find vet care outside of normal business hours. I live in the middle of nowhere and can list at 5 clinics within a 30 minute drive, and more an hour drive.

    • WTF do you mean the government should pay? That's all of us!!! Why should part of our taxes go to pay for your dog because you can't afford to take care of it? Damn liberals. Why should I pay for your stupid mistakes? If I bought a car I can't afford will you make my payments? Please? I'm a great person...

    • I definitely agree with you. Having pets is like having babies...if you can't afford to properly take care of them then DON'T have them or get a second job. I took my Sheltie to have her teeth cleaned a few weeks ago and it cost me $209.00!!! It wouldn't have been so much but I approved the vets running test to make sure she was healthy enough for the procedure since they put them to sleep for it.

    • I live on a farm and I had a bad month last month : ( I had one cat in some machnery motor, one cat get run over, my 2 dogs find some porkupines and my horse cut it's leg, my 2 cats had to have surgery's and multiple vet visits. My bill for the month was $2800.00 and we didn't even think twice about finding the money somewhere. And that is alot of money. Pets are lifelong comitments, and we chose them, we need to care for them. (Please son't harp at me to keep my animals in the house all the time, we live on a FARM and my animals are very well cared for.. just a little too curious :P

    • As we all know today, people’s financial situations are constantly changing. Please take this into consideration. Whereas I had the money to care properly for my animals in the past, I do not now. The plant I've worked 4 for many years have closed. I've looked for someone who would love and care financially for my pet when I realized I could no longer do so financially. Some local pet shelters don't even give your loved pet a chance to find new owners, the moment you sign them over, and u leave, they euthanize it, due to lack of room and FINANCES of upkeep. I’ve found this out firsthand. Many times, before learning this about them, I would take animals that OTHER folks found and brought to me (animal lover) whom I turned over to the Human Society. Currently my finances are at an all-time low, barley am I able to care for my 4 children. I pray that my beloved pet don’t get sick, for I won’t have the money to care for her in an event of an emergency. So home remedies are a most for the time being. So please think b4 typing out an negative comment.

    • YOu know some times you just dont have the cash. Many vets will not treat without you paying up frount also. I do think that it is possible and not a lame excuse. I am sorry for all you people out there that have the money to do it and think we are horrable cause we cant. And you know what having a dog even thought you dont have massive cash is not a bad thing. I can buy my dog food and toys and anything else that he needs but if he brakes a leg I will not have the money to fix it and i think that there should be some way to get help for your dog based on income. Now that people who have money have been buying pet insurance prices have gone way up cause vets know that the company will pay for it messed it up for the rest of us. I asked 3 vets how much it would be to cut a 1 inch growth of my dog cause it became infected and they all said at least 1500. Is that not wrong compleatly. So now i have to try to treat it myself cause they wont help me with out any cash. I wash it with salt water and spray antibotics on it that i bought from the store. The vet would not even give me a perscription over the phone he said i would have to bring him in. That would have costed me 75 dollars just so he can say yea it infected here is a piece of paper oh and dont forget to pay for the perscription too. So yea you cant put people down cause they say they dont have the money to take the dog to the vet if it is something that is not physically making the dog cry in pain. I dont even take myself to the doc unless I really think I might die cause I dont have alot of cash so why would I do it for the dog. I do love him with everything I am but if you short on cash you short on cash.

    • I am such an animal makes me so mad that people will say that......they should know that if they go tosome vets....depending on what the pet needs....they might do an operation for free. most humane societies give shots and stuff for free too!!! the one around my house does.....

    • If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet.There should /always/ be money put away for veterinary emergencies. I love how people don't have the money yet they have a computer and the internet. It's your responsibility to sell off things to /make/ that money if you have to... that includes your precious computer. Yes, financial situations change. Things happen. So do you sit and hope your dog doesn't get sick since you can't afford it anymore? No, you rehome your pet with someone who /can/ afford it. It's your responsibility.

    • Well really its not a lame excuse, its the truth though. It's all about the worth of the animal that they think. For example my uncles dog has a tumor. There is no way they can afford all those bills. They love there dog but they can't put themselves in debt for that, they have to take car of there family first. For all those people who say why get a dog or a cat if your not going to take care of it. They are tooken care of. They are treated they are giving a good home, fed everyday. They are treated good, It is a shame too see a dog not go to a vet for whatever reason, but to me its just there would alot more animals in the animal shelter or put down, if people were suppose to give there dogs back. At least they are attempting to give it a home and take care of it, but don't get me wrong I hate it when people have animals and they pay no attention to them it's like I want to go over there and just take it from though even though I can't afford another animal.

    • I think that there is a line. When I got my dog, who I adore, I had plenty of money for routine check ups and minor emergencies. She was diagnosed with cancer and my boyfriend and I spent over $5,000 on treatment. She is doing great now, but this is not a "minor" emergency. We had the cash so it was possible for us to spend it without going into debt. If I was struggling to feed myself and my children I would have had to take a serious look at whether or not our family could recover from that sort of expense. I agree that if you can not afford the basics you should not have a pet. However, I think there are exceptions for emergencies. I am a dog lover, but I also value not being in debt and taking care of my family.


    • I see how people can skip the occasional annual vet check up, to save money but you kinda have to have money cause what if your dog gets hit by a car and has a broken leg thats a $700-$1000 bill, I think if you really love your dog or animal for that matter you'll find a way to get the money

    • I think it's a completely ridiculous excuse.. if you don't have the money, you should not own a dog.. c'mon.. Also, if you don't have any money to take care of your pets, your ass needs to disconnect your internet because if you can't pay for your pets, you don't need to be online... just another unnecessary expense.

    • You should take your dog no matter what...they should have payment plans or you can ask animal services or the humane society in your area...they can offer services for less than an actual private vet.