Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression?

Hello everyone! I struggle with two anxiety disorders and depression. To combat these illnesses, I'm currently taking medication and participating in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I've been reading about how dogs can lower rates of depression and anxiety…

    Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression?

    Hello everyone! I struggle with two anxiety disorders and depression. To combat these illnesses, I'm currently taking medication and participating in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I've been reading about how dogs can lower rates of depression and anxiety…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression?...

    • Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression?

      Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression? General Dog Discussions
      Hello everyone! I struggle with two anxiety disorders and depression. To combat these illnesses, I'm currently taking medication and participating in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I've been reading about how dogs can lower rates of depression and anxiety so I was thinking of adopting an adult dog. Are there any specific breeds that you would recommend? I prefer those who tend to be low maintenance.Thanks for your help!

      Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression?

      Dog for a person that struggles with anxiety and depression? General Dog Discussions
    • It depends what you mean by low maintenance. For example, there are some very loyal, cheerful breeds that can be harder to train because of their carefree temperament. On the other hand, you could mean you don't want to constantly be grooming the dog.If you want the best of both worlds, I recommend a West Highland White Terrier. Purebred, they are fairly expensive, but I had one from the time I was a baby until I was 17 years old, and that dog was the sweetest living thing I ever knew. I've never met a Westie I didn't like. Like any other dog, they do take some care and grooming, but they are actually hypo-allergenic, and all they REALLY need is the occasional bath, haircut and vet checkup. They are very intelligent and are fairly easy to train.Oh, I just miss my dog so much thinking about this!Good luck with everything!

    • Anxiety and Depression can both be crippling disorders. I have depression as well, and I have anxiety sometimes, but I wouldn't really consider it enough to say I have an anxiety disorder. So I have an idea of what you are going through. Getting a dog can be helpful, but also it can just be a way for you to avoid the real problem and set your problems aside, which isn't necessarily good. You say that you are in therapy, so you are already trying to attack the problem head on. So I would say, in your case, that a dog would be a great thing for you. I have read that listening to music helps with anxiety. You could try that too.In your therapy sessions, did you come up with theories of how it started, and the triggers for your anxiety? What about depression?