WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog?

So i am going to buy a schnauzer but it's my first time , so when am i going to do ? Please suggest what i need to buy for my dogs and something to prevent from giving to my dogs..

    WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog?

    So i am going to buy a schnauzer but it's my first time , so when am i going to do ? Please suggest what i need to buy for my dogs and something to prevent from giving to my dogs.....
    General Dog Discussions : WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog?...

    • WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog?

      WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog? General Dog Discussions
      So i am going to buy a schnauzer but it's my first time , so when am i going to do ? Please suggest what i need to buy for my dogs and something to prevent from giving to my dogs..

      WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog?

      WHAT am i going to do when i buy a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Obviously a crate or a bed, preferably crate to help with housetraining.Dog food, although i don't feed processed dog foods, i feed a raw diet.BowlsChew toysTraining equipment *Maybe a clicker, some treats*A collar and leash.And then you will want to train it, and socialize it. Socializing is a life long thing.

    • As a Miniature Schnauzer breeder myself, I can tell you not to buy from a breeder that can't tell you the correct way to raise your puppy, give you advice on what to get, what to feed, what to expect and how to train. If you don't find a breeder willing to do this then I fear you will be buying a problem dog. Schnauzers are smart, easy to train, loving, loyal companions that do not take well to harsh treatment and training. All you need are some indestructible toys, a crate.....only big enough for a grown dog to turn around in...a good quality kibble, and a vet to help you take care of your puppy.Buy a leash and a collar, but please make it an inside dog. Of all the terriers, Miniature Schnauzers are referred to as "the unterrier, terrier". They do not have a terrier personality, they are not stubborn, never aggressive to dogs or children, and exceptionally easy to train.

    • I don't know where you're getting your dog but i know lots of people don't get them from breeders (who give lots of info like an earlier person mentioned in their reply) but from friends/ads etc so may as well write the basics. and everyone is assuming its a puppy, although if its a grown dog needs are basically the same. Schnauzers are awesome though, mine is 4 months and is adorable!!2 bowls for food and water - puppies drink tiny amounts of water very frequently and if they don;'t have access to water they can get dehydrated super quickly.food - its tricky to change food brands once theyre accustomed to it (have to do it slowly over a week or so) so make sure its one that you can get easily (i.e not from only one shop that could run out!). dont let him eat things that arent puppy food...especially when young as an option, theres "puppy milk" from brands like pedigree...its not formula,as its a supplement to food not a replacement for it... its special milk for growing puppies without lactose (dogs are intolerant to normal milk) and my puppy loves it...when i take it out he spins around in circles till he gets it hahaha. there are puppy treats as well, which will come in handy when you try to train him later. some adult treats arent suitable for young dogslots of toys to keep him entertained... also keep anything off the floor you dont want him to eat, i lost a good pair of shoes that way!!crate if youre going to crate train him - i didnt and mine is fine but works out well for some people. but a bed anywaycollar and lead when hes old enough to walk maybe you could also look at vet schemes...monthly payment where if he gets sick its taken care of, as fees can get pretty high otherwise.kitchen towel and disinfectant haha...for when he pees/poops everywhere and you have to clean it!dont give him - normal milk, people food (esp poisonous things like chocolate, onions etc), things that arent proper toys eg sticks...as if they arent designed for dogs they can break/splinter and hurt him.I was a first time buyer too...and super nervous about it, but there are so many good websites with info to help take care of them =) I have to admit though...i thought i knew how much care/attention they needed and it was still more than expectedHope your new dog is absolutely lovely!