Should I put my dog down?

My dog is 16 she is blind almost deaf. If you look at her she seems ok. She eats ok but her hind legs hurt her. I carry her up and down our stairs, as well as hand feed her. We have to walk her to her water bowl because she cannot find it. She seems…

    Should I put my dog down?

    My dog is 16 she is blind almost deaf. If you look at her she seems ok. She eats ok but her hind legs hurt her. I carry her up and down our stairs, as well as hand feed her. We have to walk her to her water bowl because she cannot find it. She seems…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I put my dog down?...

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    • If she's in pain, then sadly, yes... you should.I know it's a sad time, and you feel like it's your fault,but it's her time to go.If you make her wait longer, she may die in pain, rather than peacefully.It's what's best for her, even though it's sad.good luck :)

    • Her quality of life is not very good. You need to discuss the possibility of euthanasia with your vet. It is a difficult decision to face, but you have to put your dog's welfare first.

    • Yes you are being selfish. I have gone through the same thing, our mini dashund back legs gave out, and the vet said we could put him in a doggie wheelchair, and do a $5000 surgery and stuff, and I honestly was going to do it, but then I realized that he will never live a full doggy life running through fields chasing bones and such, so I put him down even thought it broke my heart. I think your dog being 16 has lived a full and happy life and it's time she went to doggy heaven. Be strong you are doing it for all the right reasons.

    • I was told I was selfish,when my dog became ill,yet she seemed fine. I could not bear to take her,so I cared for her til one day she just couldn't get up anymore. She died in my arms at home & I still miss her. i'ts your call. I don't think you're selfish

    • Despite a few problems, your dog seems in really good health and In my opinion, putting her down would not even be an option. My dog is going to be 16 too. She's going blind and deaf and has a hard time with stairs and couches because of arthritis in her back legs. Before my dogs legs started getting bad, she used to sit on the back of our couch all day and stare out the window too. It's something they like to do. I think just the movement of anything outside interests them. Your dog, even though you say she's deaf, may hear some sounds and she might sit by the window and listen. It's something for her to do. Even still, though her hearing and eyesight is gone, she can still smell and she's probably smelling all the animals and everything else outside. Talk to the vet, there might be vitamins or something you can give your dog. Glucosimine is really good. As for the stairs and the food. I think the best thing to do is to try to get your dog to adapt to her disabilities. Encourage her to get up and down the stairs on her own. If you're not around, she probably does it on her own. My dog wasn't sure at first if she could or not, so coming up the stairs, we'd have our hands on her butt all the way up so she knows she's not going to fall. After a little bit, we just had to give her a little push. You don't need to push her all the way up, just enough pressure so she knows your there to help her if she needs it. Coming down, we hold her on each side so again, if she starts falling, she knows were there to help her. If she sees us, she acts like she can't make it, so we stand there and use the phrase "you can make it" with a hand signal and she comes up or down. Don't get me wrong she is 15 with arthritis, so there are times when she gets hung up 1/2 way up or down the stairs and really does need our help. The same thing for the food, show her where the food is at, but don't feed it to her. She's blind and deaf, but her smell is still good - make her use that to her advantage. Put food and water in the same spot so she learns that where there's food, water is close by. You're dog is used to being, for lack of a better word, spoiled, so you can't do a new routine cold turkey, you have to ease her into it, but the main thing is to be patient and help her adapt instead of doing things for her. I think you'd be amazed at how well dogs can adapt to disabilities. Think about this, when you're not at home at night and it's dark in the house, dogs still manage to get around the house. Your dog can adapt, but it's going to take a little time. As long as she's not in constant pain (which is something for your vet to decide), dogs can still be really happy even when their blind and deaf. Good luck!!

    • at this time she is alive but is she actually living. I had to put my baby down in January and that is the hardest thing I have ever done. he was alive but had no quality of life. the decision is never an easy one but only you can make it.

    • no your not being selfish your being cruel your dog has given no doubt 16 years faithful service to you. you cant bear to put her to sleep what has she done for you without question that she didn't like to do.she is blind, she is deaf, her legs hurt she cannot find her water she seems sad what do you expect she obviously dose not have quality of life. i know its tough but there comes a time when what you want or cant bear to do doesn't fit the equation. I had to put my dog no my best friend down after 21 years of loyalty (yes 21 yrs old he was) that was the most challenging thing ive ever had to do in my life, i was absolutely devastated i cried and cried very emotional i sat around for days just remembering the things we had done the places we went the great times we had we went everywhere together but to share his last moments the look in his eyes while i hugged him as he passed we both knew we had made the right decision. i took him home buried him i still say gidday spike every time i go near that spot and im sure he barks back I was 43 yrs old then i still get a tear when i think of that day. So please do whats right for your pet she has given you 16 yrs loyalty please give her the respect she deserves don't let her suffer any longer. it is tough it is sad but you will get over it long live the spirit of our beloved pets.

    • I am sorry for what you & your dog are going through. No, you are not selfish. I have a dog myself & I can't even think of not having her for one day. It is very hard. If your dog eats her food & plays with you. I would say just hold on & see what happens. It would be easier for you to loose her on a natural death rather than putting her down. But if she is obviously in pain & has no appetite, doesn't play at all & doesn't seem to enjoy her life, you may need to to consider talking to your vet about it. It is very hard, but if you can make it easier for your buddy to say bye, I think you should do it.

    • No you are not being selfish at all. i went trough the same thing. I had a dog around the same age too. he was going deaf, couldn't walk straight, limping very badly and was dyin slowly and in much pain. and i would feel bad every time i looked at him. i didn't want him to be living in such pain. i kno it would hurt for you to do it. but if you dont want your dog to sufer anymore than it would be the right thing to do.