7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite?

Hi all, we have a chihuahua going on 7 years old and she is a house dog. the vet said she is 2 pounds overweight,not to bad. we give her nutro max canned and dry dog-foods mixed together. she has always been a finicky eater. one day she will finish the…

    7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite?

    Hi all, we have a chihuahua going on 7 years old and she is a house dog. the vet said she is 2 pounds overweight,not to bad. we give her nutro max canned and dry dog-foods mixed together. she has always been a finicky eater. one day she will finish the…...
    General Dog Discussions : 7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite?...

    • 7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite?

      7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite? General Dog Discussions
      Hi all, we have a chihuahua going on 7 years old and she is a house dog. the vet said she is 2 pounds overweight,not to bad. we give her nutro max canned and dry dog-foods mixed together. she has always been a finicky eater. one day she will finish the whole bowl,other times half a bowl, sometimes she won't eat that night. Yet and still if you was to give her something like a chicken leg,a piece of beef (all the things she should not have) ,she will eat that so fast it would make your head spin. I have to keep a strict eye on my girlfriend because she will feel sorry for the dog and give her table scraps. I strictly forbid table scraps, and i tell my girlfriend that she is not a great dane and chi's are finicky. if the dog don't eat that night she will say "the dog is sick or she don't ike that dog food". am i right in saying that chi's are finiky and just wont eat sometimes? P.S. i forgot to mention that she has a small piece of chicken jerkey at 5:00 in the morning but thats it till dinner. Help thanks

      7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite?

      7 year old Chihuahua. poor appetite? General Dog Discussions
    • No, they're not finicky, owners make them that way by indulging them. I've never had a weight issue with a dog. They eat what I give them. The problem always begins when an owner thinks they aren't eating enough, and they start feeding table food. Your dog is determined to wait you & your gf out is all

    • How To Deal With Dogs Who Are Finicky Eaters?Do These Scenarios Describe Your Dog Eating Habits?My dog will not eat his food no matter how much I coax him. My dog wants food that comes from my dinner plate or the refrigerator. My dog will spit out his food if I attempt to trick him. My dog wants nothing but food treats, and will eat them all day long if left on his own device. Dog are creatures of habits and by nature they are not finicky eaters. They do not become bored with a consistent diet comprises of palatable, wholesome food. If they are raised on this diet, they will grow to like it eventually.Now ask yourself this question. If you were never introduced to food like ice cream, chocolates and fast food as a child, would you think you will miss having them now let alone knowing how they taste like? Likewise for dogs, if they are not given a variety of food as a pup or during adulthood, they would never know those foods exist. Sure, they can smell the aroma of your beef stew but they won’t know what the taste like. They can only associate the smell and taste when you feeding them from your cooking pot. Now you see why your dog lingers in the kitchen while you cook dinner for your family. He is praying to get lucky!Most dogs are greedy, if there are no other temptations, they will eat anything put in front of them. A dog will not starve himself unless he is suffering from tooth or stomach aliments.Dogs will become finicky eaters when they are given too great a variety and by overfeeding. Almost all finicky eaters have good amount of stored “nutrients” in their bodies, so you can worry less about him chomping up on poops. To say it affectionately, these finicky eaters are no where near under nutrition but likely to be overweight.9 Tips To Stop His Fussy Eating HabitsNo Variety of Food. If you are feeding him commercial dog food, then stick with it during the whole course. If you are feeding him home cooked meal, feed the food that has the most nutritional values and stick to that recipe. Variety is not as crucial to him as it may seem to you. No Dessert. Remember how your mom took away your dessert if you didn’t finish those peas on your plate? The same theory goes to your dog. Total abstinence. Even the dessert has the highest nutritional values, don’t. Honestly, there is no one fruit or food contains all the vitamins needed for a day. No Table Scrapes. Dogs are natural born beggars. Do not give in to his plead no matter how adorable he looks or what stunts he pulls. You will fare much better if you completely ignore him, that way you won’t go to bed with a guilty heart. No Snacks or Treats in Between Meals. At least not until he goes back to his regular food, again give treats in moderation and out of necessity. During this time, avoid any dog training especially if he is rewarded with food when he obeys the commandants. Otherwise you will only confuse him further. Fix Mealtime and Place. Let your dog know what is expected of him during that mealtime. If your dog eats while watching TV (only happens to extreme pampered dogs), then you may have to relocate his place to kitchen (permanently) or any place in the home with minimum distraction. Feed Once A Day. If your dog eats two meals a day, reduce to one per day without increasing the portion. And if he’s already doing one daily meal, then reduce to half. This is to create scarcity mindset. Take Away. And I don’t mean Chinese take out. If your dog refuses to eat within 20 minutes, take his food away. Do not feed anything, including treats, until the next mealtime (next day). It may sound cruel to you, but you have to rule with an iron heart for his goodness. Don’t worry, your dog won’t fall ill if he refuses to eat for a day or two. Take this opportunity to cleanse his stomach – detoxing. Create Hunger. Get your dog to exercise more. If he does 30 minutes daily walk, increase it by an extra 15 minutes each day he is off his food. Not only will he get a little more tried, he will sleep more. Hungry dogs usually are more active physically and mentally. You want to channel this energy to something productive instead of him bugging you for treats all day long. One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure. While you put your dog on an anti-finicky-eater program, you must also guard your trash bins. Dogs are natural born scavengers; they can easily outwit you in any treasure (food) hunting game. Be warned! Whether you apply all the nine tips or a selected few, remember that your dog should have available water at all times. Your aim is to get him to eat his food, not to dehyrate him during the course. No tonic soup, sport drinks or whatever they may be, just plain filtered (optional) water will do!