Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?

My dog was 6 year old Golden retriever. He was a big 100+ lb. heathy, energetic, and loving friend. Last week in the morning he did'nt come to eat at the porch. We found him laying down on his side. He was stiff, his right eye side was open and dilated…

    Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?

    My dog was 6 year old Golden retriever. He was a big 100+ lb. heathy, energetic, and loving friend. Last week in the morning he did'nt come to eat at the porch. We found him laying down on his side. He was stiff, his right eye side was open and dilated…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?...

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    • Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?

      Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.? General Dog Discussions
      My dog was 6 year old Golden retriever. He was a big 100+ lb. heathy, energetic, and loving friend. Last week in the morning he did'nt come to eat at the porch. We found him laying down on his side. He was stiff, his right eye side was open and dilated the left eye was closed and dilated too. His tongue was out on his left side of his muzzle it had a little blood on it. It looked like there was teeth marks on his tongue, and his left canine tooth was deep inside his tongue too. I saw no outside injury on his body. There was no throw up, or foam, around his mouth or anywhere around the yard. There was a little poop coming out his rectum (sorry to get too graphic).The evening before we found him dead we gave him a little left over lasagna, nothing that we have not giving him before. He showed no sign of he being sick, he was normal. The only thing we heard late that night that he and our other small mix dog was barking at somthing, but nothing out of the ordinary.

      Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?

      Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.? General Dog Discussions
    • I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog.Sounds like he may have had some kind of seizure. Had he ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? Is there a chance he may have been allergic to bee or wasp stings and gotten stung? Is it possible that someone may have poisoned him?It's so hard when you have no idea of what may have happened to them.

    • So sorry to hear about your loss.could have been a snake or spider bitedogs will bite their tongues at death, and poop tooit DEFINITELY wasn't the lasagnewas he on heartworm prevention ?also dogs LOVE the lap up anti freeze ( the goes into car radiator ) it's sweet to them but lethal, perhaps he got into something like that.again so sorry

    • It sounds like your dog might have suffered a catastrophic seizure. Probably has absolutely nothing to do with the lasagne. Unless you authorize your vet to do a necropsy, you will never have a definite answer.

    • Sorry to hear that your dog is no longer with you but in situations like this when you see your dog is not acting normal the first thing you should've done was taken him to the vet and they would've monitored him and placed him on IVs. If there has been serious trauma, feeding him solids may have been a bad idea if the dog couldn't digest it. If he had lost control of his bowl movement it's another sign that he was dieing. It's really hard to say whether he got into a scruffle with a diseased animal, got into something poisonous, a serious blow, heart failure, it could be anymore, 100+ pound retriever doesn't exactly sound healthy either.

    • Oh my heart is breaking for you. It sounds like he was either poisoned or that he had a seizure of some kind. I he was healthy and if he showed not signs of any illness than I would lean to towards poison. It sounds like he seizured while he was dieing. Biting his tongue. Or he could have been bitten by a snake or other venomous thing, causing him to sezure too.Unless you have a necropsy done you may never know what killed your golden boy.I am so very, very sorry for your sudden loss. No Golden should leave us before their time.

    • Sorry to hear about your Golden. It's terrible to have a pet die and worse when you have no idea why. Since you didn't have an autopsy, it is really hard to guess. But you should keep an eye on your other dog. Get him/her to the vet for a check up to make sure that it was nothing contagious. And don't leave him/her outside unsupervised. There is a chance your Golden could have been poisoned (accidentally or not) since this was a sudden death. You don't want to take any chances with your other pooch.

    • I am so sorry. Could he have been hit by a car? Sometimes there can be internal injuries and nothing apparent outside. This is so sad. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    • It sounds like a stroke (brain hemorrhage) to me.Dogs and cats have them, same as people, and as with people, usually there is no warning.I work for a vet, and I have seen several dogs and cats who have had strokes, and my own Samoyed died of a stroke at age 8.Some recover partially but are handicapped and usually have more strokes and finally a fatal one. Your dog probably died very quickly and painlessly, or nearby so.I'm sorry for the loss of your companion.

    • Sounds like a seizure, you'll never know for sure unless you get an autopsy. Sorry for your loss. I'm going to take this opportunity to ask you to consider keeping your other dog and any future dogs as inside pets. Dogs belong inside with their "pack"(you!). It is a truely miserable life for a dog to have to live outside. If you need help with bringing your other dog inside, please contact Dogs Deserve Better(see web site below).

    • He could have been poisoned, maybe a real mean neighbor, or he could have got into some anti-freeze, that's poison to a dog, or probably a cat too. So sorry about your dog, I know you miss him.

    • It sounds like every one is right. There are alot of different things that can cause seizures, the main ones being:snailbait toxicityheatstrokeepilepsibrunsfelsia poinoning (yesterday, today, tomorrow bush)ogranophosphate poisoning (some fertilizers)hormonal imbalances such as diabetesbrain tumorslow blood glucosesnake biteoverheating due to infection or bloat