Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?

My dog was 6 year old Golden retriever. He was a big 100+ lb. heathy, energetic, and loving friend. Last week in the morning he did'nt come to eat at the porch. We found him laying down on his side. He was stiff, his right eye side was open and dilated…

    Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?

    My dog was 6 year old Golden retriever. He was a big 100+ lb. heathy, energetic, and loving friend. Last week in the morning he did'nt come to eat at the porch. We found him laying down on his side. He was stiff, his right eye side was open and dilated…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would anyone know what might happen to my dog to die of? The Vet. did'nt know what killed him.?...

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    • Dogs are much like humans in that they can have a seizure or an aneurysm. The only real way to know is to have the autopsy that costs a lot of money. From what you said it sounds like there was a possibility that he could have been bitten by some kind of critter or poisonous insect. Sorry for your loss.

    • Maybe he got bit by a spider. I guess it would have to be big and venomous for your dogs to bark at it and for one of them to die. Look for any bumps on him. Maybe the spider was in your dog's food or water bowl; got into mouth and bit him. That might explain why his tooth was in his tongue. He was trying to rub and bite the spider off his tongue! I don't know. Don't go by my crazy explanations!!!

    • He may have been shot with an air rifle. The entry point would be near impossible to find without shaving. The lasagna had nothing to do with it. There are many other possibilities, though (which is probably why your vet didn't want to venture a guess).