My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke?

almost gag, and hack his lungs out... its really quite awfulhe does it every now and again but pretty much does it everytime someone new comes home and he gets all excited...not a reverse sneeze, this just started happening... hes ten years old he his…

    My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke?

    almost gag, and hack his lungs out... its really quite awfulhe does it every now and again but pretty much does it everytime someone new comes home and he gets all excited...not a reverse sneeze, this just started happening... hes ten years old he his…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke?...

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    • My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke?

      My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke? General Dog Discussions
      almost gag, and hack his lungs out... its really quite awfulhe does it every now and again but pretty much does it everytime someone new comes home and he gets all excited...not a reverse sneeze, this just started happening... hes ten years old he his choking, hacking, and gaging

      My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke?

      My dog is gettin older now... when ever he gets excited he starts to choke? General Dog Discussions
    • reverse sneeze watch the video- not from old age just a trait all my dogs have it.

    • Although the first answer could be right.. usually in an older dog that starts coughing it's heart related-don't fret!I would recommend getting it checked out by your vet and having some chest x-rays done. Diagnosing heart problems earlier is the best thing to do! They make medication like lasix and enalapril that reduce the size of the heart and make for easier living!Other things to consider...*Do you use heartgaurd regularly- coughing is an early sign of heartworms- heartworms can migrate to the lungs where they can give rise to a dry, irritating cough. Heartworms are a serious condition in dogs and can result in heart failure and death if untreated.*Also do you check a fecal on your dog? Roundworms-Roundworms, gain entrance through the intestinal tract but can spread to other organs, particularly the lungs resulting in a chronic cough*Kennel Cough- are you around other dogs/dog parks*Bronchitis-a dry cough often associated with gagging and retching. The cause of this condition is unknown and it tends be chronic, although treatment with medications to dilate the airways can provide some symptom relief. If your dog has a cough that persists longer than six weeks, this condition should be ruled out*Collapsed Trachea-common in older dogs as well.*Congestive Heart Failure-which I mentioned already.Edit: whooo I think that's about it.