What breed of dog do you have?

tell me the temperment and how your dogs health is. Also desribe how they act with small children.

    What breed of dog do you have?

    tell me the temperment and how your dogs health is. Also desribe how they act with small children....
    General Dog Discussions : What breed of dog do you have?...

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    • Definitely do not get a miniature pincher as a dog it very bad with children I highly recommend that you invest in a good well breed lab or even better a golden retriever . Also a good dog is a mutt well mix breeds can result in a extremely calm and gentle dog .Oh and with the retrievers watch out for hip problems .Just keep up with the doctor check up .

    • I have a Fox Terrier. We have a yard, so he has where to consume his energy, and besides trimming his fur once in a while, he's quite easy to take care of. But definitely not good with children. It's not because of the breed, he's just had some bad experiences.

    • i have a Golden Retriever, whos name is Molly. She is extremely good with children. her health is perfect, even though she is old.i also have a wiredhaired dacshund named Gretel. she has back problems, and is kinda of yappy wwith strangers. at first she will bark, but once she knows them she is a smosh.i suggest you get a golden, they are wonderful and can be played with without getting hurt.~♥

    • A wonderful Chihuahua named Cujo. He is 5 months old now and so far no health problems! He is basically lazy sleeps and lays around most of the day. He loves walks though and LOVES French fries LOL. But he doesn't like kids at all. They are also small and delicate. They can be okay with kids as long as the kids will be gentle with them.

    • I have a pure bread pit bull. she has perfect temperament and loves kids. i do not think there is a mean bone in her body--well in less your a cat! i have a for month old baby and she is very gently around her, also our friends children 8 & 6 come over all the time and she is very good with them. no health issues. I have never had to put her up for anyone to come into my house.we had a Dalamation and he was very vicious to almost everyone. he had tons of health problems and on several occasions cost us a small fortune. let alone the perscription diet he had to be on because of the health issues. he bit 3 people. all were either a family member or very close friend. Fortunatly / unfortunatly we did not have to find out how he would be with the baby.

    • I have a black lab mix very sweet, smart and gentle, and mine was easy to train. Depending on the size you are looking for it might be a good choice to get a black labSave a life, go to your local animal shelter. A older dog wouldn't have to be house-trained, and it's temperament is already established.

    • I have a Shepherd/Chow mix female and a Pit Bull/Lab mix male. My female is very sweet, intelligent and stubborn as hell! She is very much the alpha dog of our house. The only problem she has had has been a nagging knee problem in her back right leg. My vet is as perplexed as we are; she has clean x-rays and no arthritis that we can see. My male is very submissive and sweet despite being badly abused before we rescued him. He is my shadow! He has skin allergies in the summer when pollen gets too high, but Benadryl clears it right up. We have no children, but we have friends that do. despite being large breeds, they are very gentle around the babies. They love to give them kisses! Are you looking for a dog? Hope that helps if so!

    • i have three.dauchsund - wiener dog. he's so funny. always running around, and has an extreme case of little man syndrome. he's very protective of me, and he loves to play. he has to sleep under the covers with me at night.german sheppard. he's huge and loppy, but he's still young. everyone is afraid to go near without permission because he's sp big and mean looking, but he wouldn't even hurt a fly. he plays with my wiener dog, and is always so gentle and giving. he lets him win. he's great to play, loves to run, but he flea bites when he plays, and sometimes it hurts. sheppard mix - collie, golden retriever, german sheppard. she's tiny, and the youngest. i don't think she'll get to big, at least not as big as i think. she absolutely loves the water, is in it every second. likes to play and run with my other dogs, but she always jumps on people. and she is a chewer! chewed right through two pair of sandals, cpuntless number of phone chargers, and a brand new pair heels.

    • I have a Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog). He has a lot of energy, is very friendly towards other people and other dogs (we socialized him a lot as a puppy), and he is very smart (he learns tricks in minutes). He does bark a lot. Shelties are a vocal breed. As far as health is concerned, he hasn't had many problems. He does have a sensitive stomach, but feeding him proper food (no people food) keeps that under control. Pet stores sell many different types of food for sensitive stomaches. He hasn't been around many small children, but when he was around our friends' 1yr old, he was very gentle towards the baby. I have heard that the breed is good with small children as long as they are raised around children, but they are a herding bread and have been known to herd small groups of children.

    • I currently have two Jack Russell Terriers and I used to have two miniature Schnauzers.The Jack Russell Terrorists..I mean, Terriers, are extremely active and hyper at times, and lazier than cats at others. They are like having toddlers in the house! They are ridiculously smart, too. They have very few health problems but I wouldn't recommend a Jack for a house with kids younger than 6 or 7 as they love to jump around or into people's arms, and they could easily knock a child down. My dogs are also very single-minded and when they start barking at something will just about run you over to get to it. They take a very strong-willed and patient owner.The schnauzers, on the other hand, were usually calm dogs with decent health. Both the schnauzers were very protective of their humans, but the extent of their protectiveness was excessive barking at strangers. :) We had one of our schnauzers when my sister was born, and got another when she was very young. Schnauzers are obeident and quick to learn (although the one schnauzer took 9 years to learn to bark at the door...she just held it! lol) . I love my Jack Russells, but I don't think they're the best dogs to have around small children.

    • I have 2 jack russels. they are both totaly different. one i wouldnt trust 100% with small children, but i think thats because her personality is just like that. she never really reklaxes and shes always barking when people even walk past the house! but the othe rone is as soft as anything! she just likes to play like a puppy. shes so dumb...lol.( but she is a cross so maybe this is why she is so different to the other one ) also, i think it depends on how you bring them up to be like...just like with kids. if they are surrounded by lots of hyper kids...theyl probably follow on !

    • I have a miniature Australian Shepherd. He is energetic, and needs lots of exercise. He is in excellent health, and Aussies have relatively few health problems, but they will have none if purchased from a dedicated breeder who tests their dogs for problems. If a dog is NAMASCUSA (North American Miniature Australian Sheperd Club of the United States of America- www.namascusa.com ) that means that they have been checked for health problems, unlike an AKC registration.You have to be careful with Aussies and small children, as they have a strong herding instinct and may attempt to round them up, but they are otherwise gentle and are protective of house and property-until they know people are ok, they will be suspicious. But then everyone is their best friend!They are easily trained and are very food motivated. Mini Aussies are between 14 and 18 inches tall at the withers, and regular Aussies are anything taller than that. Mini's are not so much a different breed as a size division within the Australian Shepherd breed.

    • Treeing Walker Coonhound....very healthy, very fun, and he is only not safe with kids becasue he has food aggression- HOWEVER, I would say that had he been raised from puppyhood instead of being adopted from a shelter, he would not have that problem. Otherwise the only other problem with a 90lb dog and kids is that he outweighs them and him being friendly can knock a kid off their feet! We have a small mutt- pit/cattledog cross -maybe sheperd too- who is perfect with kids...in general, mutts have a great personality.

    • Standard Longhair DachshundsFabulously laid back, beautiful dogs. 2 of mine are certified therapy dogs and one works exclusively with children. Loyal to their owners, but friendly to all.I have a 5 year old and they love him to pieces!