Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy?

I use the frontline plus spot treatment every 3 weeks. He also received an allergy shot from the vet. He chews himself bald. I have to keep a cone on him to stop him from eating his hair off. What can I do? Please help!

    Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy?

    I use the frontline plus spot treatment every 3 weeks. He also received an allergy shot from the vet. He chews himself bald. I have to keep a cone on him to stop him from eating his hair off. What can I do? Please help!...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy?...

    • Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy?

      Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy? General Dog Discussions
      I use the frontline plus spot treatment every 3 weeks. He also received an allergy shot from the vet. He chews himself bald. I have to keep a cone on him to stop him from eating his hair off. What can I do? Please help!

      Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy?

      Is there anything I can do to help my dog with his flea allergy? General Dog Discussions
    • Also make sure you are treating your house and yard for fleas. The fleas only go on the dog to eat, they actually live in carpet, furniture, grass, etc.My friend's dog is like this, allergic to fleas. He will chew his hair off when he gets a flea on him. My friend is constantly spraying his house and yard to make sure there aren't any in there. Adams flea spray is great and safe to use around dogs.

    • 1st, make sure all fleas are off dog with a flea dip. Then make sure all fleas are out of house and yard with Adams, Hartz, or a flea spray from the vet. One thing to make sure of is that you get ALL the bedding, pillows, blankets, cushions, etc. Move furniture out of the way and spray under and behind it. Treat your house every time you treat the dog. Advantix works better than frontline, it is more expensive, but WELL worth the money. You can relieve the itch some with benadryl. Start with 25 mg and increase the dose after you see how he does with it. A 50 lb dog can have about 100 mg 2x a day.Good luck.

    • I have 3 dogs that are inside/outside dogs that had serious flea problems. The flea bites got so bad on my dogs, that they developed Hot Spots. This is one of the reasons my wife and I developed the best natural pet meals which contain herbs that naturally repel fleas, ticks and other unwanted pests ( I have used several of the popular vet recommended flea and tick repellants and none of them worked. I never really felt comfortable putting those unknown chemicals on my dogs anyway. But I haven't had any problem since I changed their diet.