How can I get rid of my dog?

I have had my dog, a black Labrador, for about nine years now, and over the years he's just grown progressively intolerable. In his early years he wouldn't stop running away, but I figured that it was normal for a puppy to do so. This continued until he…

    How can I get rid of my dog?

    I have had my dog, a black Labrador, for about nine years now, and over the years he's just grown progressively intolerable. In his early years he wouldn't stop running away, but I figured that it was normal for a puppy to do so. This continued until he…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get rid of my dog?...

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    • How can I get rid of my dog?

      How can I get rid of my dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have had my dog, a black Labrador, for about nine years now, and over the years he's just grown progressively intolerable. In his early years he wouldn't stop running away, but I figured that it was normal for a puppy to do so. This continued until he was approximately three years old. He's going on nine years of age this coming October and he has recently resumed his running-away business, and it's near impossible to catch him. On top of that he suffers from epilepsy (yes, my dog has seizures every now and then) and some type of ear fungus--not mites. I have a limited budget and I can barely afford to take care of my dog and save enough money for school. I don't know of any close relatives or friends who would take him in, and I doubt anyone in my town would want a nine year old dog with health problems. I have thought about having him put down or sent to animal control or the humane society, but that would just be inhuman.Any suggestions on what I could do with him?Should I just duke it out for however long he lives? He's had heartworms in the past, but the vet got rid of them (he lived with a former friend in the woods for a year several years ago), so that probably cut his life expectancy down a bit.I love him with all my heart, but I really don't know what I should do...Any input would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.

      How can I get rid of my dog?

      How can I get rid of my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • You could take him to the local shelter and tell them about your problem, go to your local pet store and put posters up, or put an advertisement in the newspaper classifieds and see if anybody calls.

    • sell him to someone responsible or local animal shelters who can take cae of will be quiet hard for u to give him up but if you can't take care of him or you are not willing to then leave him on a farm near the town or city u live he will eventually. adopt to the place and who knows someone might take him under his care.

    • You can learn a little tolerance and benefit from taking your dog to training classes. Lots of dogs have seizures and the meds are not expensive...ear fungus is easily treatable. 9 years is a really long time to have a dog and then suddenly decide to get rid of him. You have a responsibility to a pet when you bring them into your life. Training early on would have helped keep your dog from running away. I think you should hang in there and work it out. That is so sad to give up a pet in their golden years like that.dina

    • i would bring him to your local vet or pet shelter and tell them about your situation then ask them if they can take the dog..... or what i had to do becasue we had to get rid of our border collie was call a local farm or ranch where your dog will have room to run and chase things and not have to worry about running off!!1Hope this helps!!

    • Please DON"T put him down!!! If you want to find him a new home, take him to a NO-KILL shelter. This is the best way to find him a new home, since shelters are careful about who gets to adopt their animal sand they'll make sure he goes to the right family. Never give away a dog (as free to good home) since people who sell to labs that test on animals often look like good owners but really aren't.

    • After so many years, and you are willing to toss him out like an old shoe?! Outrageous!This is a classic case of why some people should not have pets. Pets are not meant to be tossed away when it is inconvenient for you. I really feel bad for your dog. I hope that, at the very least, you will find a genuinely loving home for him.This is why people should have licenses to get pets, and to have children. You have to be committed to the honor of being a parent or a pet owner.Please do not put him to sleep. Find him a loving home by placing ads. What state are you in? I may take him myself. I am getting angrier as I write this message. Poor dog!

    • Well, has he been neutered? Because neutered males tend to roam a lot less than un neutered ones. Shelters are humane, they have volunteers there to take them for walks and give them attention, plus they will get the veterinary care they need. If you love him like you say, (and you must to have put up with him for 9yrs, lol), then stick it out, he won't live all that much longer anyway.

    • Since you have had the dog for 9 years, I dont see how it sounds so easy for you to part with it. Ive had my dog now for 4 years and she is like my child, I love her and she love me unconditionally, and it would be painful for me to part with her, she is my responsibility, even if she had a medical problem I would find a way to pay for her expenses, maybe picking up a few more hours at a part time job, or something.. If you cant afford proper care for the dog and want to get rid of it, you should have it put to sleep, and on its running away, has he been neutered? There is not a good chance he would get adopted at the shelter because of his age and health problems..Either try to figure out a way to keep him if you love him, or have him put to rest.

    • what? You want to get rid of your dog! and you won't consider the spca? at least at the humane society there are vets that can look at your dog and see if they can help him! Some SPCA's have partnership programs where they help RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS PAY THEIR VET BILLS!MOST are NO KILL shelters! and you just want to dump your dog? what's more inhumane and cruel than that? that dog depends on you! even more because,as YOU pointed out, he's ill. call the spca, ask about their policies. maybe, (IF YOU REALLY CARE) you'll ask them for references for a lab rescue group...