Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety?

I am trying all the usual ideas the vet talked to me about. Leaving her a favorite toy, not making a big deal when I leave. Just wondering if anyone had any different ideas that worked for them

    Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety?

    I am trying all the usual ideas the vet talked to me about. Leaving her a favorite toy, not making a big deal when I leave. Just wondering if anyone had any different ideas that worked for them...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety?...

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    • Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety?

      Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety? General Dog Discussions
      I am trying all the usual ideas the vet talked to me about. Leaving her a favorite toy, not making a big deal when I leave. Just wondering if anyone had any different ideas that worked for them

      Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety?

      Does anyone have any ideas for leaving a dog with seperation anxiety? General Dog Discussions
    • You can practice leaving different times when you are home. ex. get your coat and shoes on say " I'll be back" and go. Come back a few minutes later. Do this a few times a day when your home and it will help acclimate your dog to your leaving. I also leave the tv on just as background noise because I know that are dogs flip out when we aren't home and ppl walk down the street. Also, when our dog was a pup I used to leave my pajamas on the floor when I left for work and she would cuddle with them because they had my scent on them. Hope this helps!

    • My dog has really bad seperation anxiety. He will not eat or drink if I am not home even if my husband is home. He won't sleep on the floor unless it's on my side, and when both me and my husband are gone, he goes into a panic attack. So we have been leaving the t.v on with an animal movie or animal planet. We switch his toys out and hide treats for him to find. If we are at work one of us tries to go home and walk him. Or at night we take a long walk it seems to be helping a lot