What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease?

Well, my newly adopted dog was just diagnosed with kidney disease. They said it's not bad yet, but that I should feed her some special kidney disease food. I take her to the vet in Petsmart (Banfield), so she recommended Hills K/D (the only kind they…

    What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease?

    Well, my newly adopted dog was just diagnosed with kidney disease. They said it's not bad yet, but that I should feed her some special kidney disease food. I take her to the vet in Petsmart (Banfield), so she recommended Hills K/D (the only kind they…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease?...

    • What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease?

      What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease? General Dog Discussions
      Well, my newly adopted dog was just diagnosed with kidney disease. They said it's not bad yet, but that I should feed her some special kidney disease food. I take her to the vet in Petsmart (Banfield), so she recommended Hills K/D (the only kind they sell there). Anyway, I was wondering what anyone thinks is the best dog food for kidney disease "treatment". Thanks for any suggestions!! :)ps: it's chronic kidney disease, in case it matters. And she's only 3 years old. Thanks again!

      What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease?

      What is the best dog food for a dog with kidney disease? General Dog Discussions
    • if the vet recommends that i would use that! my cat kept getting UTI's and was placed on a hill's c/d diet and it helped immensly! i would stick with that as they are formulated to help with problems,

    • The veterinarian I work for always recommends Hill's K/D for kidney problems. Don't get it confused with C/D. It helps bladder problems. Oh, and don't feed her table scraps. Human food can damage the kidneys and liver.