How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement?

It's been over 24 hours since my dog has been neutered and even though he's been drinking a lot of water, he has yet to urinate. In addition, he's very gassy, which I'm guessing isn't normal.Not sure if this matters but he's a 1 1/2 year old Pekingese…

    How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement?

    It's been over 24 hours since my dog has been neutered and even though he's been drinking a lot of water, he has yet to urinate. In addition, he's very gassy, which I'm guessing isn't normal.Not sure if this matters but he's a 1 1/2 year old Pekingese…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement?...

    • How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement?

      How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement? General Dog Discussions
      It's been over 24 hours since my dog has been neutered and even though he's been drinking a lot of water, he has yet to urinate. In addition, he's very gassy, which I'm guessing isn't normal.Not sure if this matters but he's a 1 1/2 year old Pekingese that weighs 17 pounds.

      How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement?

      How long after laser neutering should it take a dog to urinate and/or have a bowel movement? General Dog Discussions
    • I usually wouldn't start to worry until 48-72 hours after the neuter. Remember, he spent a whole day without food or water (other than IV fluids), so it's going to take some time for his body to catch back up. If he's also on pain meds, this can supress appetite and thirst as well.The meds from surgery and post surgery can do strange things to the dog's system. I think I had one male foster that was super gassy. Once he was off the meds and the anesthesia was fully out of his system, he was fine again. Touch base with your vet in the AM if he doesnt seem to be coming around.

    • Your dog has lower urinary tract disease (LUTD). Although most common in cats it can happen in dogs in rare cases, most commonly after a laser neutering like you said. Sadly it is extremely painful for the dog, and the surgery to fix it cost $500-1000 and is rather dangerous to complete (with some extreme cases where the dog dies while recovering)

    • In 20 years I have never had a dog that was unable to urinate post-op for neuter.It is not uncommon for a dog to not WANT to urinate after neuter. He likely does not want to get into the position to urinate because he is sore. Has he actually tried to urinate and cant? Or is it that he doesnt want to?If he is trying to go...and cant, you need to call your vet. He may need to catheterized. If he is making no effort, than I would suggest taking him out every 2 hours to try and coax him to go. They can hold it for quite some ready for it when he does let loose!ADD: Gas is completely normal after anesthesia. it should clear up after a few normal meals.