Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable?

I've done my research, I don't need the basic picture, protective, dominant, loyal.I've just never met an akita in person and I was wondering if anyone who has had experience with them can give me your opinion on them as pets.I'm not looking to adopt one…

    Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable?

    I've done my research, I don't need the basic picture, protective, dominant, loyal.I've just never met an akita in person and I was wondering if anyone who has had experience with them can give me your opinion on them as pets.I'm not looking to adopt one…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable?...

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    • Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable?

      Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable? Dog Breed Discussions
      I've done my research, I don't need the basic picture, protective, dominant, loyal.I've just never met an akita in person and I was wondering if anyone who has had experience with them can give me your opinion on them as pets.I'm not looking to adopt one for at least a year, minimum. But I'd like to start looking into them now.Thanks!

      Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable?

      Can someone tell me a little more about akitas? Personal experience preferable? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Volunteer at an Akita rescue. You will get to experience the various temperaments and gain valuable knowledge from the experienced people involved with the rescue organization.

    • Obedience school, socialiasing with people AND other animals and a stern "pack leader" presence from you is a must. They're big dogs, like you already know, and once they know their place within your pack, even if it's just the two of you, then he'll most likely be calmer and more willing to listen and behave.I've found that akitas will tend to stick with one master, resulting in a favorite. They're very loyal and protective dogs, but that can also mean that they lunge and become territorial if someone enters your house, because that person is invading his space, and potentially causing a threat to you.If you're looking for this to be a family dog, I would strongly suggest picking another breed. From personal experience, this is the kind of dog that is needed for a stronger master, more experienced and one who knows how to handle larger dogs.

    • Search for a breeder in your area, explain that you would like to get a better picture of the breed, ask if they will let you go round for a chat and to see if this breed is for you. I personally love them, but they can be a lot of hard work.

    • Sadly, the only personal experience I have is one attacking my dog at a dog park. My dog was sniffing its butt and it snapped its head around and took a piece of my dog's ear off. The owners blamed my dog, for not giving theirs enough space.These dogs were used at one point to fend off bears, you sure you want one? I agree with volunteering at a local rescue. They seem like a high-maintenance breed (temperament aside, they need a lot of exercise and grooming).

    • In my own personal experience I would start off with a female. The Akita is a breed that needs a firm hand in training. They get bored easily with the same old thing day in and day out. They are extremely intelligent dogs. They will try to outsmart you in a heart beat. You have to be three steps ahead of them. I would definitely get to know some real life people that own Akitas. I would go to a dog show and ask questions. I would read about the Akitas in general.