How hot is too hot for akita?

My 7 month akita stays in the back yard while I'm at work, There is a shade, a 4x6 dog house and a doggy pool. She does fine in humid 85F weather.This week it will be getting over 90F.I am worried now, is that too hot? How would I know?Any suggestions?

    How hot is too hot for akita?

    My 7 month akita stays in the back yard while I'm at work, There is a shade, a 4x6 dog house and a doggy pool. She does fine in humid 85F weather.This week it will be getting over 90F.I am worried now, is that too hot? How would I know?Any suggestions?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How hot is too hot for akita?...

    • How hot is too hot for akita?

      How hot is too hot for akita? Dog Breed Discussions
      My 7 month akita stays in the back yard while I'm at work, There is a shade, a 4x6 dog house and a doggy pool. She does fine in humid 85F weather.This week it will be getting over 90F.I am worried now, is that too hot? How would I know?Any suggestions?

      How hot is too hot for akita?

      How hot is too hot for akita? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If she seems lethargic when you get home and has no energy - it may be too hot for her. Is there more shade than just the dog house? You can buy shade cloth to make more if needed. Also, you might look in to getting a mister for her. You can set up a fine mist spray to go off every half hour or hour or whatever to help keep her cool during the day. Another suggestion would be to have her shaved to keep cool. Good for you for being concerned about her. I live in a hot area in New Mexico and people just leave their dogs chained up with no shade or anything. It is awful!Good luck.

    • I have an Akita too and she can't stand the heat at all. With such thick fur, I don't blame her.Shade and lots of water are important and should help keep her comfortable, but on a 90 degree day, she would be much better off indoors for awhile.My dog has no problems letting us know when it's too hot. She'll be out for two seconds, do her business, then her ears go flat and she comes running back in...Heavy panting and lethargy are good indicators also.

    • Dogs can get over heated very very quickly especially when they have such a full thick coat of hair like Akita's do. My personal suggestion would be that anything over 90F is tooo hot for a dog to be outside in the back yard. Sense your at work you won't be able to keep an eye on her to make sure that she is keeping cool so to be on the safe side it would be best to bring her in the house to stay cool. If you don't normally let her be an inside dog you can allways confine her to a certain space in the house where you are certain that she wont get in to anything while your away. Good luck

    • All I can tell you is if she is going to be outside, make sure she has plenty of fresh water to drink. You say that she has shade, dog house and a doggie pool. That is great. As long as she has the shade from a tree, a dog house for more shade and shelter in case of rain, and a doggie pool to take a dip she should be fine. Just make sure she has fresh water and plenty of it. The more hydrated she is the cooler she will be. The way a dog keeps them cool is by panting and another way is they sweat through the pads of thier feet. If she has allot of hair around her pads, try to cut some of the hair inbetween and around the pads of her feet. That will also keep her cool. Some poeple might tell you to shave her down for the hot weather, they are severely wrong. When you shave a dog you are actually making them hotter, because thier coats keeps thier skin from overheating, and getting too much sun. So please dont do that, you will be harming her in the long run. Just make sure she has shade, shelter, a pool, and plenty of drinking water, food, and she will be fine while you are at work.