Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight?

Assuming it's not some freakishly small Akita.Ever seen a tweety bird take down an eagle? I haven't.

    Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight?

    Assuming it's not some freakishly small Akita.Ever seen a tweety bird take down an eagle? I haven't....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight?...

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    • Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight?

      Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight? Dog Breed Discussions
      Assuming it's not some freakishly small Akita.Ever seen a tweety bird take down an eagle? I haven't.

      Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight?

      Is there any way a pitbull would ever have any chance whatsoever in beating an Akita in a fight? Dog Breed Discussions
    • why would u even ask a question like that... not only do these dogs have a bad reputation but i pray to god u don't try it.. when pit bulls fight they get into it so passionately it is hard as hell to stop them..and many times when u try to break up a fight that will end up bloody and grotesque the owner usually gets hurt.. but still u shouldn't put animals threw that shit purposely... but to b honest i believe the pit would win just because they get so much into it.. ive seen them fight it was the worst thing ive ever seen.. and it wasn't something i caused or did on purpose.. my fiance got bit pretty badly trying to separate them to prevent them from getting hurt anymore then they were.. just plz don't try it..

    • to even ask that question suggest to me you have no respect for dogs it is no wonder here on yahoo answers you would read post about pittbulls getting a very negative review not to mention akita dogs fighting its because of questions like your they do